Chapter 10

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(2D’s POV)

Things hurt. Mostly my arse. Some of its my neck, but at least it’s finally stopped bleeding…

The drunk’s been outside my door for a good two minutes now. Fumbling with the keys and a half empty bottle. How is he this drunk that he can't even open a door?

When he finally stumbled through the door, I had to stop myself from smiling. Murdoc was shirtless, hair in every direction, hazed eyes and a bloody nose. All while tripping on himself while he attempted to walk forward. It was quite a sight to behold.

He fell face first onto my small mattress, dropping the bottle on the floor with a small ‘thud.’

“Oi, Stu-Pot… ya got any, any more pot, Stu-Pot?” He mumbled, half into the bedding. This Murdoc was better. Drunker, slower, calmer… better.

“Got two blunts left, yeah,” I said softly. My headaches hadn’t returned in a while, thankfully. Maybe they were starting to get better.


“Out.” Those were the first to go that day.

“Damn… I'd love to trip right now…” he continued to mumbled, finally sitting up in the bed. The blood from his nose had dripped onto the bed, along with smudging along Mudz face, drying awkwardly. I tried not to smile again.

It was almost funny to see him this way. So disheveled and confused.

We were more alike this way.

He looked like me this way.

“Here,” I said as I used the edge of a blanked to rub at his face. It didn't help much with what was dried, but it stopped the blood flow a bit. “What happened?”

“I hit somethin’…”

“What did ya hit?”

“The wall, right out there,” he said, lazily pointing to the door to my room. I couldn't help but to chuckle at that response. “There it is! There's that smile…”

He pulled out a lighter and burned the end of one of the blunts I gave him. I had my smile fade and I turned away again.

“No, come on now. Bring that smile back to me…” he said, smiling himself. It was weird to see him smile. I simpered, but I don't think that cut it when he said, “Bigger.”

I smiled so he could see my teeth, er… what's left of them.

“There's that smile… That pretty smile…” oh god, how drunk was he?

I picked up the bottle from the floor. It was some kind of Captain Morgan rip off, but with a higher proof.

“You know, on this island… I'm kinda like a Captain!” he watched the liquid shift as I took a swig. “And if I'm Captain, that makes you… my best mate.” More like buttpirate.

I didn't even respond, I just downed another big gulp of whatever the fuck this was before Murdoc could take it way. And like I thought, he did. Taking a large gulp himself.

“Why don't ya ever smile, mate?” his question was… odd. Or at least the way he said it was.

“Ain't got nothin’ to smile at.”

“Well… don't ya got me?” He paused to take another drink, his smile fading into a static expression. “Though recently… I can understand why not… shit, I suck.”

We stayed in silence. The liquid in the bottle gradually getting lower as the time passed. The haze of nothing that swept over me was peaceful. It was soothing and warm, like the hands on me. Or the lips on my neck. Or the tongue on my cheek.

He wasn't sex driven when he was like this, no… but he was very touchy. He liked to touch and feel and caress. This is why I liked him like this. He was sweet and calming and soothing… if not a bit slow.

Within the haze of nothing, I didn't even notice the hand on my thigh until he put all of his weight onto it. My head hit the pillow a moment later, and I could barely feel the room around me. Murdoc's body fell onto of mine, and after he worked his way between my legs, he managed to fall asleep.

I can't remember if I closed my eyes or if my vision just went dark, but eventually the darkness overtook me too. And I found myself asleep and at peace, if only for a moment…

(Murdoc's POV)

Oh shit, my fucking head… where am I?

It wasn't often that I could actually shag the guy. Less often than I would like at least. But did I fall asleep in here? What's with me and getting hammered and waking up in here?

Worst hangover ever, I can feel my pulse in my ears… wait.

I somehow managed to lift my head, looking down at the warmth under me.

Okay, so not my heartbeat, but still.

The bloke was fast asleep, hands under his head and drooling onto the pillow.

Sweet Satan he was beautiful. Gorgeous, really. Feminine features, with the slim face and wide eyes, and even a slender body. Tall and lanky, just how I like 'em.

And the voice of a god…

Even just when he talks, it's soft and sweet to listen to. And then there's his moans… better than any song I could ever write. There were so beautifully melodic and loud! Well… when he wanted them to be at least.

I would complain more about my hangover, but the room is so hot-boxed still from the past few days, I could barely notice it anymore. That's a lie actually, but at least it's getting better. I need food. Food now would be good. Now how the hell do I get up?

The twat's got his fucking legs all wrapped around mine. I should probably wake him up, I'm sure he's hungry too… maybe hungry enough to cook for me…

“Stu.” Nothin’. “Stu-Pot. Stuart. Oi, 2D!” He moved a bit, but didn't wake up. “Hey, Face-ache!” Geez, what time even is it? Okay, the clock down here's broken, that's great. Not wearing a watch, don't have a phone -those can be tracked...

“Mmnnh… Murdoc? Why are you down here?” Oh, now he's awake!

“Get up.”


“Cause I said so! We're goin’ upstairs; breakfast.” The quick shift from me standing up made him fall out of bed. That's exactly what I didn't want to happen, but it's not my fault now.

The ride up the elevator was silent and awkward like it always was. He didn't like to talk, just looked down at his bare feet and held onto the railing as if the box might drop at any moment. As much as I hated to think about it, I knew it was getting worse.

From the moment Stu got here, this place has gone from tropical paradise to a prison. I felt more like a warden than anything else. The one prisoner I have to keep me company hated me, was terrified of me!

It's not fun anymore.

Plastic Prison (Gorillaz fanfic) (2D x Murdoc)Where stories live. Discover now