Chapter 16

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(2D’s POV)

I don't know how in all hell I managed to get back down to the basement room, but I have the worst hangover. Like a five star, forgot the last few hours of my life, kind of hangover. I'd question where I was if I didn't already hate the answer.

My back hurt like I fell down a flight of stairs. Not 'get fucked,’ kind of pain, more of a 'I woke up on a cement floor,’ kind of pain. Did I mention I had woke up on the floor?

As soon as I stood up, I noticed Murdoc had actually taken my bed for himself. Covers thrown around the room and pillow on top of his head, instead of under it. Body awkwardly contorted into a way only he could possibly find comfortable.

The bathroom was trashed. Even if there wasn't much in the cupboard, there was still every possible thing spilled on the floor. Spilled is the wrong word, but…

I haphazardly pushed everything onto the corner with my foot. I'd deal with that later.

Maybe I'd pick up the soap though.

I stepped into the cold tile that was the shower floor, and braced myself for the water. And once again it was freezing fucking cold. I don't know if I even really needed a shower, but I just needed something to wake me up. Something to sooth my back (though it wasn't really working). Something to get rid of the headache.

Being awake for this kind of hangover wasn't what I had wanted to do today. But it's better to power through it, than let it get worse.

I rested my head against the tile in front of me, letting the cold water rush over me. I wasn't paying attention to my surrounding, I didn't think I needed to. But I guess I had been really out of it, because I hadn't even noticed the curtain open behind me.

I did notice the voice though. I noticed his hand on my shoulder blade, and the other that turned off the water.

“Wha’?” I asked, hearing his voice, but not listening to the words.

“I said, your water sucks… I thought I fixed that…” The hand on my shoulder soon turned into an arm on my back, and I was so tempted to just lean into that soothing heat. But just knowing who it was, I couldn't find myself doing it. Instead, I stepped out of the shower, and headed towards my bed.  

I didn't want to deal with him. I didn't want to argue, or fight, or fuck… I just wanted to sleep and drug the time away until I either got rescued… or killed.

The bed sunk down behind me, while I wrapped myself in as much blanket as I could. It was still warm from him, but at the moment, I didn't mind. I felt his hand on my neck, but it wasn't rough. It was just a touch. Something soft, and warm, and careful.

It was different. It was almost… nice.

Yet I ignored it.

I don't want Murdoc to think he can just get away with anything he wants because he acts nicer the next day.

“Stop.” It was a simple request, and thankfully he did. The soft heat from his hand was now gone, and I was left alone once again.

He got up and walked to the door, before turning back to me and speaking, “I’m goin up ta take a shower… do ya um…” he had to pause for a minute, figuring out what he was gonna say next. “Wanna use a shower that works?”

“... The shower works down here.” Sorta.

“The water ain't too hot though,” he paused again. “the elevator's workin if ya change ya mind,” and then he left. Left the door open too. And with every step, that echoed down the hall, I kept thinking 'warm.’

(Murdoc's POV)

I wasn't expecting him to follow me. I just thought that, maybe, he'd like the gesture. The knowledge that he has at least some kind of freedom.

I had no idea how bad the temperature had gotten down there, but I had no idea where else to put the lad. I had made the island a form of luxury, sure, but it was a hideout. I made it as comfortable as possible, but the building was built more for survival than anything. I only had so many rooms for equipment and weaponry, so when I had brought Stuart to the island, I only had one other place to put him.

I guess a few hundred feet under sea-level wasn't exactly the warmest place in the world.

When I stepped into my own shower, there was an immediate contrast in temperature. The instant water hit my skin, it felt like fire running down my body.

I had to completely fuck with the lever to not feel like I was burning alive. And then I was back to cold, and I just kinda… left it there. Because I felt like I deserved it. Because I knew I did.

Now, again I say, I wasn't expecting him to follow me. And I definitely hadn't expected to find him sitting on my bed when I left the washroom. Yet there he sat.

I must have had the most shit eating grin in my face, because when he stood up he said, “I'm just here to bathe. Not’in’ else.”

I stepped aside, more or less just heading towards my drawers for a new pair of clothes. “Need anythin'?” I offered, holding up a pair of knickers. He grabbed them from my hand as quick as he could and slammed the bathroom door behind him. Clicking the lock and everything.

Once I got dressed I realised… he didn't have any clothes with him. Heck he didn't have much clothes in general, I could only have his kidnapper grab so much from his apartment before shipping him over here.

I picked up a random t-shirt and pants before unlocking the bathroom door. I stayed quiet with what I did, setting down the new clothes and grabbing the old to throw in the wash. But I had to stop for a second and just listen. I had to hear him sing to himself, mumbling words he had made up himself, because I knew it hadn't been a song I had heard before, and it was nothing I had written.

“With the holograms beside me, I'll dance alone tonight… In a mirrored world, are you beside me… all my life…” it was barely a mumble of lyrics, but the melody was so soft and soothing. I closed the door and walked away, throwing the dirty clothes into my pile with the rest of the laundry I had to do. Eventually.

I grabbed one of the many notebooks I had scattered around my room, sitting by the door for the few minutes he stayed in the shower. And I just listened. To the mumblings coming from the other side of the door, scribbling down anything I could understand. And then the water stopped.

Plastic Prison (Gorillaz fanfic) (2D x Murdoc)Where stories live. Discover now