chapter four

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Eric's Birthday: Part Two

"She is a-courting, 1, 2, 3,
Please will ya tell me who is she?"

 Emily, perched awkwardly in the back of the sofa with her legs between Donna and Hyde, was trying her best not to look uncomfortable along with the others

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Emily, perched awkwardly in the back of the sofa with her legs between Donna and Hyde, was trying her best not to look uncomfortable along with the others. The entire group sat, dressed up nicely in Eric's basement and he was not happy about it.

"Look, I know what you're all doing here."

"What're you talking about man? We're just hanging out like always!" Emily's head fell to rest on Hyde's shoulder.

"Oh no."

"Except we're dressed nice, but that doesn't mean anything!" No one looked up as they heard footsteps coming done the stairs.

"Hi kids!" Kitty called down to them. "Um, I need your help with something. Jackie, Donna, Micheal, Steven, Emily, young man with an accent, please come give me a hand? Not you Eric!" They all rushed to go up the stairs, Emily being the last to leave.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Kitty was beaming as she held the door open to let them out. She closed it behind her as Emily came out and clapped her hands excitedly.

"So, was that subtle, do think he knows?" Emily giggled as Kitty worried over possibly ruining the surprise.

"Nah, you did fine, Auntie Kit. He dint suspect a thing, that one!" Kitty patted Emily's cheeks fondly before moving towards the living room to make sure everyone was situated. Emily had addressed as such for almost six years now, viewing the majority of her friend group and their families as extensions of her own, so she gave them nicknames accordingly. Even if she did have to bribe Red with a half off his tab every month.

"Everybody shut up, he's coming!"

Eric, now seated on the living room in a 'Birthday Crown' tore open the wrapping paper revealing an 8-track player, making Emily choke on her drink. She knew that was one thing he didn't want. She moved beside Hyde to whisper to him.

"Probably overemphasised it, got it stuck in their heads." Hyde grinned up at her mischievously.

"Wow! I mean... yeah!" Kitty bounced excitedly behind him.

"It's an 8-track tape player."

"I see that."

"Just what you asked for!" Red grinned behind him.

"You made such a big deal out of it I wrote it down!" Emily went into a coughing fit, having snorted and inhaled her drink. Hyde laughed at her as she gasped for air, red faced and giggling hysterically at Eric's bemused face. He opened Hyde's gift next.

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