chapter eight

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Eric's Burger Job: Part Two

"You'll get no more this evening,
So ya bastards, bugger off!"

Emily and Hyde marched towards the diner grinning as they made eye contact with Eric

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Emily and Hyde marched towards the diner grinning as they made eye contact with Eric.

"Here here, my minimum wage friend!" As Hyde spoke Emily leaned into his side slightly.

"We demand service!" She slammed her hands down on to the counter hard, gasping with pain before lifting them again. "Ouchie."

"Welcome to Fatso Burger, how may I serve you?" Eric asked with a strained smile.

"That is so sad burger boy." He looked down at Emily and gestured towards the menu. "Pick what you want, it's on me." She grinned up at him.

"Thank you Hyde!" She leaned up towards him, and she was sure she imagined the slight hitch in his breath. "I hope this isn't you trying to bribe me into teaching you how to mix cocktails later." He raised his hands in a 'You caught me' gesture as she turned back to the menu.

The party was in almost full swing and Hyde and Donna sat opposite each other in the garden. The pair were extremely bored as both Eric and Emily had yet to turn up. However they were both distracted from their moping as Kelso came running into the party screaming 'TOGA' repeatedly.

"Heya man, nice dress." Hyde quickly spotted the drinks in his hands. "You only brought three beers meathead?"

"W-we'll share." Donna and Hyde reached over simultaneously, though Hyde plucked two out of Kelso's hands. He met Donna's questioning gaze.

"One's for Emily. Because she's bringing more alcohol!" He yelled into Kelso's face as they cracked two open. "Here's to our wasted youth."

Fez came strutting into the backyard, with Emily not far behind. The blonde got stuck however as what she was pulling along behind her got caught between the hedge and the wall of the house.

"Oh hey Fez."

"Hello Donna, which of these ladies are easy?" Donna's younger sister came out of the house frowning.

"Donna, some of your creepy friends are using dad's stereo."

"You guys, no one's allowed in the house!" Fez had already moved to the younger girl as Donna spoke.

"Hello pretty lady." Emily had finally untrapped her trolley and had pulled it up behind Hyde.


"She's not a pretty lady, she's my sister and she's fourteen."

"You know, in my country-" Emily spoke for the first time since she arrived.

"It's illegal here." Hyde's head whipped around and he grinned at her, pulling her into a side hug.

"Oh I see." Fez awkwardly stepped away from her.

"I'm miserable, this party sucks." Donna vented angrily.

"You know what'll make you feel better? Scrawny little neighbour boy." Emily's head shot up to look at him.

"Is that what we're calling Eric now?" Hyde ignored her for the moment.

"Why don't you take off, go see him, I'll watch the kids huh?"

"Yeah? Thanks Hyde." He belched.

"You're welcome." Both girls shook their heads at him.

"I'll watch them. Besides, I'm teaching Hyde how to mix a few cocktails tonight anyway. Feel free to join when you get back." The redhead grinned and thanked her before taking off.

Emily poked Hyde between the shoulder blades and slapped a pamphlet and a menu into his hands.

"You'll have to read the pamphlet in your own time, 's just a couple a rules and regulations that ya have to know before you can start working in the bar, even under supervision. Now, pick out a drink so we can get started." Hyde stared at her for a moment.

"Seriously? I'm getting homework for bar tending?"

"Yes. Now choose a drink sir, or I'll choose one for you." Hyde sighed long and hard, flipping through the menu for a while before finally picking one. "A cosmopolitan? Nice, a good starting drink, let us begin."

Opening up her 'bar-on-wheels', she pulled out a mixer and a cocktail glass from a pullout drawer of utensils and placed them on top of it before getting out the Cointreau, citrus vodka, lime juice and cranberry juice from the bottom drawer. She slid open a little lid to reveal a container of ice cubes. With a sweep of her arm she stood back and let Hyde step up to the 'counter'.

He stood in awe, staring at everything she had pulled out of the trolley, which was no bigger than a regular office desk. He lifted the mixer then looked at her, then to the trolley, then back to her.

"Would ya like me to make one first? Then you can have a go?"

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." She grinned and grabbed the mixer from his hands.

"You know my favourite part about practicing new cocktails?" He raised an eyebrow, to which she grinned. "You get to drink them after."

A bit later, Hyde, Emily, Fez, Jackie and Kelso were seated on the garden furniture. Well, Emily was perched up on the arm of Hyde's chair, sipping on the cosmopolitan she had made. She had given up on Hyde's lesson after the third interruption by a random party guest and they had plonked themselves in the places they were now.

Hyde crushed a beer can in his hand before tossing it towards the bin. It hit off the edge and bounced away. Fez, attempting to mimic Hyde also tried crushing a can but yelped in pain and threw it down angrily.

"Well, what d'ya know, Kelso? We're outta beer." Kelso gestured angrily towards Emily.

"She has a whole thing of alcohol right there, ask her for something." Emily shook her head quickly however.

"Sorry, not gon' happen. Those are hard spirits, they're used for cocktails. I'm not letting you guys have any, not with a half sensible head on my shoulders. Go get yer own."

"You know what? Forman's old man's got a fridge in the garage and I know he's got beer in it." Emily snickered, not thinking he was serious, but gave out a strangled laugh as all the rest of them stood and began walking over to the Forman residence.

"F this. Oi, Hyde!" He turned to look at her. "I'm away home! I want nothing to do with this malarkey, see ya tomorrow if yer not all dead."

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