Chapter 9

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Fallacy POV
  Jasper wasn't at lunch. I hardly worried.

   I know I sound like an irresponsible parent, but it's the truth.

   He just does things like this sometimes. Encre and Celeste seemed to catch on, too.

   Celeste looked around the dining room and shot me a glance.

   Suave wasn't here, either.

   Truth be told, when I was younger my father had practically chained me to our house. And no, it was not for protection.

   He just never let me have a life.

Encre POV
   Celeste and Fallacy seemed to pass something between their eyes. A quick glance, a nod.

    I was actually kind of confused.

   Besides that, lunch was the same as breakfast. No talking.

   I guess that eating was just an excuse not to speak to each other.

    Honestly I didn't care at all. The less we talk, the better. It was a better chance not to embarrass myself.

Jasper POV
   After the game of chess with Encre, I had gotten bored. I threw ideas around in my head for a bit, but none seemed interesting.

   Eventually, I gave up and just roamed around the castle I call home, giving no regard to the time.

  I suddenly bumped into someone. I let out a small help of surprise.

"Sorry!" They said.

   Looking up, I realized that it was Suave. I smiled and said,

"No, it was my fault. I should've watched where I was going. I'm sorry."

   He tilted his head away, and I swear that I saw a blue tint to his cheekbones. Holding out his hand to help me up, I accepted it.

   I'm sure I was blushing a bit, too.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome, my lord." He responded, turning to walk away, before I stopped him.

"My lord, I have to serve lunch." He said nervously.

"Can you play a game of chess with me? Please? Gazelle can serve lunch." I asked.

"Fine. I'll let her take care of it." He responded.

"Yay!" I said, as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the chess room.

   He was blushing hard as I dragged him throughout the various halls. A few maids saw us, and began whispering to each other, giggling.

   I didn't care really, but Suave looked super embarrassed. I giggled and continued pulling him around until we reached the room.

   He looked super disoriented, and stumbled around for a few minutes before eventually retaining his balance. I was still giggling a bit, and he looked so confused.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"How much you were blushing!" I responded, giggling.

    Again, his face began to light up in a blue blush.

"Let's just play..." He said.

~¤Time Skip¤~

   We had finished our game in a tie. Suave was a lot better than he let on, and only showed it at the end of the game, which drove me INSANE.

   After that, we were both laughing at the fact that if he had only gone a turn or two earlier, he would've won easily. Instead, he let me build more of a defense.

  I know what he did, though. He let me win. He knew exactly how the game would end.

   Why did he let me win?

   I think he likes me, too.

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