Chapter 5

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Encre POV
  For the first 15 minutes or so Celeste rode on in silence, as I watched the world go by and wondered about Fallacy. What would it be like, staying with him? Isn't he a vampire? Would he get to... I dunno, such my blood?

"You ok?" Celeste asked.

I nodded my head.

Sighing, she said,

"I can't believe this. I worked so hard to hide the village, and Lunar had to ruin it again! Why can't he just leave me alone?" She asked no one in particular.

  I had been wanting to ask her a certain question for a while.

"Are they kill me?"

"Who? Fallacy and Jasper? They wouldn't dare, as long as I'm protecting you." She hissed.

"Jasper?" I asked, confused.

  Were there more vampires?

"Oh, I forgot you didn't know. Jasper is Fallacys son."

"Son?" I asked.

  If Fallacy had a son, he had to have a wife, right?

"Yes. Although Fallacys wife died in fire a few years ago... maybe 3 or 4? I dunno, I don't ask about it. It's a touchy subject." She answered.

  The horse slowed its trot to a walk and whinnied nervously.

"We're almost there. All horses get nervous when they enter vampire territory." She informed me.


Soon after we entered the so-called 'Vampire Territory', all sounds stopped. And by all sounds, I mean that birds stopped singing and animals stopped rustling around in the bushes.

  The eery silence scared me. It seemed to unsettle Celeste, too.

"It's quieter than usual... that's not good..." She muttered.

  Is it bad that that just scared me more?

  All of a sudden, a nearby bush shook unnaturally. My breath hitched, and the horse stopped in its tracks, ears twitching nervously. Even Celeste looked scared.

  A hiss rose from the bush, and a vampire leaped out. They weren't a skeleton, and in fact looked like a mortal.

"Go, Wind, GO!" Celeste yowled at the horse, whom was rearing up with a terrified look on its face.

  The horse took off, but the vampire kept up. Running along the side of the horse, I got a good look at him. He was wearing a green and yellow shirt, with a deep red heart necklace. His eyes were a deep red color, and his fangs were long and sharp.

  He hissed at us, and attempted to leap onto the horse. His attempts were futile as Celeste pulled the horse away and switched to a different route.

  After about 10 minutes of riding as quick as the wind, we lost him.

"I should've expected there to be a vampire hunting... I'm such an idiot!" She snarled.

"Was accident. Not idiot." I told her gently. She just growled.

Fallacys POV
   I had given her 2 hours. I was going to get her now. I sprouted my wings and flew to the sky. Watching the world below go by, I found her small village. Flying down, I realized that it was completely empty.

   What had happened? Had Lunar attacked? No... there were no signs of a fight. They must've left.

   I climbed back to the sky, looking back over the forest for them, trying to see them.

"Fallacy!" A voice said from behind me.

I recognized the voice almost instantly.

"Carlos?" I asked.

"There was a werewolf riding a horse with a mortal! I attacked them, but they escaped." He said.

"What?! You ATTACKED THEM?!" I said, scared.

"Don't worry! They got away, and ran to the barren land. If you wanted them, that's where to find them." He said.

I sighed.

"Of course..." I hissed, as I changed direction, flying towards the vast wasteland called 'The Barren Land.'

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