Ch.11 Drinks and Friends

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Ch.11(Annabelle’s POV)

I had been sitting, well crying in the truck for about 5 minutes. I wanted to drive away but then again had no motivation to do so. When I was younger I dreamt about being with Joey but knew nothing would happen and I would get sad. This was a thousand times worse. Then my phone started to ring, I thought it would be Joey, thinking he saw my truck or saw me when I was in the restaurant. I looked down at my phone and found it was my best friend from back home.

“Hey, Caroline.” I say trying to sound happy.

“Hi! what's wrong?” How could she see right through me.

“Just, everything, I don’t feel like talking about it now though. I’ll call you later.” I say.

“Well you don’t have to call me…” She sounded like she had something up her sleeve.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Well, Adrian and I are flying out in the morning! I wanted to surprise you! we are going to California so you and I can set some last minute details for the wedding and you know just to get away from the job for a while.” Caroline tells me. Her and Adrian had gotten engaged last winter and she was having her wedding this summer. It was a little hard to be the maid of honor being in California but we would make it work. I was happy for the distraction. She could not be coming at a better time!

“Great! I will tell you all that  happened when you get here!”  I say glad to have my mind of Joey.

“And we will have tons of girl time because Adrian has friends in L.A. too! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow! Bye!” Caroline says and hangs up. She always could get my mind off things and I was so happy she was coming. I started the truck and drove home.

Later that night:

I couldn’t sleep, so I just sat there staring at my ceiling and occasionally looking out my window into the dark. The more I think about what happened the more I am starting to realize that they should be together more than I should be with Joey. I mean she is his daughter’s mother and if they have a chance to be a family, then I shouldn’t stand in the way of that.. should I? What if he is the only one I will ever feel this way about? I was still mad though that he went behind my back on our date night, if he didn’t want to be with me he should have broke it off!  I couldn’t think of a solution. I would just act normal until I was ready to tell him something. I didn’t have to see him again till Emma’s next lesson. I would make up my mind of what I wanted to do by then. I roll over to face the window and hope to get some sleep.

The Next Day:

I am cleaning out Magic’s stall finishing the last of my chores for the day. Joey had called twice since last night, probably to fake apologize for missing our date because he was “sick”. I had thought about it a lot and I still hadn’t come up with what I was going to do about the whole situation.

I get done cleaning and walk down the aisle. As I am walking I suddenly feels arms around me from behind I look behind me quickly and see Caroline.

“Oh my god! You’re here! Where’s Adrian?” I say.

“He is staying at some friend’s house for tonight! I am all yours and by the looks of you we need to talk.” She says. We walk upstairs to my bedroom and I tell her everything.

(Joey’s POV)

I actually had a good time with Tiffany last night, it surprised me quite a bit. She seemed to have changed since she left the first time. We talked about me for once and about Emma. She seems really ready to be a mother.

I also called Annabelle today but she didn’t answer. I wonder what happened at the barn last night but I figured she must be sleeping and I didn’t want to bother her.

(Annabelle’s POV)

“Wow, so what are you going to do?” Caroline asks. I had just told her everything that happened between Joey and I from the beginning.

“I don’t know..” I say depressed.

“Well, I know what we are going to do! We are going out.” She says and jumps up to get her suitcase.

“What?” I ask. Why would I want to go out right now?

“You heard me! Get up and get dressed!” She says. No point in arguing. I get up and go to my closet and get ready to “go out.”

30 minutes later:

    We pull up to a bar and karaoke place. It was a small bar but seemed like it was more my speed than a club. We get out of the taxi and go inside. We both walk up to the bar and sit down. I order a cosmo and Caroline orders a beer. I never liked beer, or alcohol that much in general.

    A couple drinks later I am starting to feel better and a little dizzy. Caroline leans over towards me because it has gotten pretty loud in the bar since karaoke started.

    “We should get up there!” She says in excitement. On a normal day I would never agree to this but I had some liquid courage now.

    “I don’t know…” I say still reluctant.

    “Come on we could dedicate it to Joey!” Just hearing his name got me angry.

    “Okay!” I say. Pretty soon we were up on the stage.

    “We dedicate this song to a Mr.Joey Graceffa!” Caroline Shouts and the music to Look It Up by Ashton Shepherd comes on. Then we both start to sing.

    “The word is faithful.. look it up.. it don’t mean sneaking around behind my back like you ain’t getting enough!” We say somewhat in unison. We then continue to sing the rest of the song. I knew tomorrow that I would have to talk to Joey about this whole thing, but at this moment I was just glad I went out.

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