Ch.8 Birthdays and Boots

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Ch.8 (Annabelle’s POV)

    I wake up from an amazing dream that I was in the woods with Joey and he had kissed me. I go to stretch but my arms won’t move. I open my eyes and look at my arm to see another arm holding it. Then I realize that I am in Joey’s arms. I look up at his face and he is still asleep. It wasn’t a dream at all but I don’t remember going to sleep with him. I look down to see I am covered with Magic’s blanket too. I take Joeys arms and move it from around me so I can go get Magic. I slowly get up so I don’t wake him and walk over to where Magic is.

    “What is my life boy, huh?” I ask Magic like he can answer me.  This whole situation was unbelievable. I didn’t feel happy like I should feel, honestly, I was in shock!! This stuff doesn’t happen to a small town girl. I am nothing like his other girlfriends, I wasn't drop dead gorgeous, famous, girly or confident.

    I go over to where Joey is still asleep and gently take the blanket that I use for a saddle pad on Magic off of him. How is this real? How did I end up with the one guy that I couldn't even get a tweet from back in highschool. Right now I just need to focus on getting us both back to the barn.

(Joey’s POV) Back At the Barn:

I had a good sized lump on my head from the fall I took and Hank had made it home on his own. The more I thought about the day I just spent with Annabelle the more I love it. I can’t stop thinking about other girls I have dated, All the dates were the same, a movie, dinner, drinks, dancing. It’s great but boring. Both dates I had been on with Annabelle were original in their own way. I walk over to her by Magic’s stall, she is brushing him.

“Annabelle?” I say. She Turns around to look at me for a second then goes back to brushing her horse.

“Emma’s birthday party is this weekend, it’s just a little thing at my house..  I was wondering if you would like to come?” I ask. I feel like her being there could really make it more fun, at least for me.

“uhh Joey, It’s a nice offer but I am not sure I would really fit in with your friends.” I look confused at the back of her head and wonder what she is talking about. She turns around to look at me.

“I basically ruined both of our..” She stops at a loss for words.

“Dates.” I fill in.

“Dates. I am not sure you want me to ruin Emma’s Birthday too. I’m not really the famous type either. I am just a stable girl..” Annabelle says. I couldn’t believe this was how she was feeling.

“First of all , those dates were amazing! They were like nothing I had ever been on before! and in a good way! Second of all, my friends are going to love you! Please come! for me.” I say.

“You really don’t think your friends will mind? Boots and all?” She asks.

“Boots and All.” I smile.

“See you this weekend! I will text you directions!” I walk out of the barn and to my car.

(Annabelle’s POV) Morning Of The Birthday Party:

    What does a person wear to a birthday party? I don’t really have a big range of clothes in my closet. I literally have T-shirts and Jeans. I pick out one of the only pink T-shirts I have and a pair of dark jeans, hoping to look at least a little girly. I also put on mascara and lip gloss but skip eye shadow and blush, I never understood blending and things like that. I decide to wear my Durangos again, since they are the fanciest boots I own, and head over to the party.

At Joey’s House:

I park my truck a little bit far from where Joey’s house was. It was not a normal city vehicle and I didn't want to embarrass him. I walk up to the house and see pink balloons scattered in the yard, obviously Emma’s doing. I go up the front door and push the door bell. No less than three seconds later Joey opens the door.

“Hi Annabelle!” Joey says enthusiastically. Before I know what is happening he steps out the door and kisses me on the forehead. Then he takes my hand that isn’t holding the present and pulls me inside.

“Come on Annabelle! I have people for you to meet!” Joey takes the present and sets it on a table with a couple others. Then he takes me into living room where I almost pass out. Everyone is there! I see Cat and Meghan first talking on the couch . Next I see Sawyer, Shane and Luke all talking by the door leading outside.

“Hey! Guys!” Everyone turns to look at me and I want to run and hide.

“This is Annabelle.” I had never felt more self conscious than right then. As soon as I was going to pull away from Joey and leave Shane comes up to me.

“So you're the girl taking Joey from me?” He says in mock anger. After all this time “Shoey” was still their thing.

“Just kidding, it’s great to meet you!” I shake Shane’s hand and then more of them come up to me and introduce themselves too.

Later in the Day:

We are all sitting on the porch and to my surprise I was a lot more relaxed than I thought I would be. Everyone was really nice to me and didn’t even seem to notice that I wasn’t wearing the same things as them or anything like that.

“Hey, Annabelle.” Joey said from down by the barbecue. He was making chicken of course.

“Yeah?” I reply.

“Would you mind getting the plates I have on the counter in the kitchen?” Joey asks.

“No Problem.” I get up and walk into the kitchen. As I am getting the plates. I hear the front door open. In walks a blonde girl with perfect curls. She is dressed like she just walked out of a fashion magazine.

“Could you direct me to Joey?” She asks me.

“He is outside.” I point out towards the backyard.

“Thanks.” I see her scoff as she look from my T-shirt to my boots. Then she walks out of the room towards the back door.

(Joey’s POV)

Shit! I forgot to get the tinfoil. I walk up the steps and into the living room where I have to take a double take. Was I really seeing this?

“Tiffany?” I ask.

“Long time, no see Joey.” She says with a smile. What the hell is she doing here?  

Dreams Come True / A Joey Graceffa Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now