Ch.3 First Lesson

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Ch 3. (Annabelle’s POV)

If anyone could die of embarrassment I would have in that moment. Looking him in the eye was just unreal. I just hit my idol with manure…

“Joey… umm really that was so stupid of me, I’ll buy you another shirt or pay to have that one cleaned or anything you want! Please just don’t get me fired!” I was so worried about my job at this point, I had only had it one day, I can’t screw this all up in one day!

“The shirt is fine, I’ll just get another one.. and again it was my fault! how did you know my name?” Wow now I looked stupid or was about too.

“Well I was a fan of yours back in highschool and still am! umm I guess thats a little weird but again I am so sorry, I never thought that I would ever meet you again after Playlist - Live.” I sound like an idiot.

“No, I love that I still have some of my audience from the beginning.” At that moment he put on a smile so stunning that I could hardly think but then I remembered this is just my job.

“So I am guessing then that you are here with Emma?” I said trying to act cool while fangirling inside.

“Yeah, and I just wanted to let you know I am a little nervous about the whole thing. Horses can be really dangerous.” his smile had turned into a concerned line.

“Don’t worry she is just riding a little pony to start and on a lead. She will be perfectly safe.” I usually say that with confidence but it was Joey’s daughter, so I faked confident. I just prayed nothing went wrong during the lesson.

“Good, now do most parents stay or…?” why was he acting like the awkward one? He is the Joey Graceffa! I am the awkward one.

“Well some parents watch and some don’t if you want to stay there are bleachers by the indoor ring. First I am going to teach Emma the basics of taking care of a horse though.” I said.

“Okay, can I watch that?” he was a lot more involved than most parents i know.

“Yes! where is Emma?” I asked. Usually the kids were with their parents.

“Oh, she is out in the car I wanted to find you first and talk to you about my concerns without her hearing.” Wow he really cares, that is so sweet.

“I will be over at Thumbelina's stall, she is the third on the left when you come in the door. So. just meet me there?” I said. I had to get away from him to catch my breath for a second.

“Yeah, i’ll go get her.” He started to turn and walk away and then suddenly spun around.

“I never asked your name?” He said with a smile.

“Annabelle.” I don’t think I have ever had a harder time just telling someone my name before.

“Annabelle, I like it.” He said and smiled a little. Then he spun back around and walked out the door to his car. I went over to get the grooming kit and headed to Thumbelina’s stall. I always felt more confident around horses than people so maybe being around Joey will be easier if I just focus on the horse. At least I hope it will be easier…

(Joey’s POV)

I can not believe what just happened. I am not mad or anything, honestly it is the funniest thing that has happened in a long time! It’s not like shirts aren’t replaceable and plus my viewers will find this hilarious!

As I get closer to the car I see Emma bouncing in her seat with excitement and as soon as she sees me she jumps out of the car. I wait for her to reach me and then without words we walk back into the barn, I don’t think i have ever seen a bigger smile on Emma’s face then right now.

I see Annabelle standing by the stall where Thumbelina is supposed to be but as we approach I don’t see a horse.

“Where’s the horse?” Emma asks in a quiet tone.

“Right here!” Annabelle says with excitement. Slowly she opens the door to the smallest white pony.

“He is so cute!!” Emma walks away from me and up to the pony to pet his nose gently.

“Actually it is a she and her name is Thumbelina.” Annabelle’s smile was about at the same excitement as Emmas.

“So do I get to ride now?” Emma asks in the most excited tone.

“There is more to riding then getting on a horse Emma so today you won’t be riding but instead learning your horse on the ground first.” Emma’s face fell a little but she accepted quickly that this is how it had to be.

“Joey, I forgot to mention, there is a bathroom by the office if you want to.. umm.. clean up?” Annabelle looks down at my shirt. I almost forgot about it.

“Sure! Thanks!” I say as I walk towards the office.

(Annabelle’s POV)

I was so glad he left for just a few seconds. I can’t even breath around, nevermind teach around him!

“Okay so first the halter…”

1 hour later:

Emma hadn’t stopped brushing Thumbelina since she learned how. She seemed to really enjoy just being with the horses which was a good skill to have for a successful career with them.

As I am standing there watching Emma with Thumbelina I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Annabelle, I just wanted to thank you for taking things slow with Emma, for her sake and mine!” I would never get used to this.

“No problem. It is my job after all.” I say.

“I know it’s your job but I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate how well you do it.” I can not believe I am getting compliments from Joey.. He deserves the compliments, he is the reason I was brave enough to follow my dreams. I would never tell him that though.  

“Well thank you.” i turned my head a little as I blushed.

“Emma it is time to go!” Joey says. Emma pouts a little but in no time at all they are leaving. As soon as Joey is out of the barn I literally slide to the floor. Is this a dream? Good thing I have a week till the next time I see him, I’ll need it just to calm down.

Dreams Come True / A Joey Graceffa Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now