Chapter 15

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The past couple of days been hectic to say the least. Max had come out causing many problems on top of the problems I had before. Many of the board members were ok with it while the others were "worried" about the clients.

I couldn't help but laugh, since there is about almost one third of our staff who were part of the LGBT community. I made calls and appointments making sure the "clients" were ok with who we were in business with.

Not to mention I been getting flowers and chocolates every since the press conference. My own staff was placing bets on who the mystery guy was. They were so off but there was a few who hit the ball park estimate.

"Hello" I said picking up the phone since my secretary was on lunch,

"Did you see the press conference?" He asked through the phone, I stopped working. I wanted to hang up right there and then but he did admit his feelings to me on national TV and apologized.

"Yes, and I'm safe to assume you're the one behind the flowers and chocolates" I asked him back, he chuckled, causing butterflies in my stomach.

"I didn't know which ones you like" he said, the line went silent neither one of us talking.

"You can stop sending them, it's the talk of the office. Not to mention there's a bet on who the guy is" I told him, we both laughed and felt it so good to not be angry at him all the time.

"I miss you" he said, as I held my breath.

"I know I messed up and I'm ready to do anything to make up for it, but I need you in my life." He said, his voice cracked

"I can't live without you Brandon. Gosh, I know I should be doing this in front of you not on the phone but I'm scared." He said going silent,

"I'm scared that you won't want to ever see me again, I'm scared your gonna tell me that you've moved on. I'm scared that if you do move on that I'm gonna be broken." He said, I know the tears were down my face,

"Please Brandon, I'm just asking for one more chance. If it doesn't work out then I will quietly leave your life" he said, I know he was crying.

"Boss, you have a meeting in a couple minutes" my secretary said knocking on my door,

"I have to go Max" I said before hanging up on him,

I couldn't focus during the meeting at all. I know my secretary alway kept notes during meetings so I'll just review them.

"Hey, Simon" I said picking on my phone,

"Hey, I'm almost here" he said

"Here, where?" I asked him,

"I knew you would forget, our lunch date. I bought food" he said,

"Oh shit, I been so packed since the beginning of this week" I told him, he laughed.

I liked Simon, he was the opposite of me. I think that's what caused us to become such quick friends.

"I'll see you in a few" he said,

"I don't know what I'll do without you sometimes" I said, he laughed

"Die, forget to eat, maybe even shower" he said

"Ok, now you're lying" I told him, before hanging up.

Simon listened as I went on and on about what's been going on in the office.

"Got to say, Max Ryder is brave. I don't know many CEO who would have just come out like that" he said,

"No, he stupid. He should have went through the right channels before doing that. Do you know how many meetings I have this week alone? I'm meeting with people I don't even know because they're "worried" about this new information." I told him, he raised his left eyebrow,

"Sorry, I've been stressed, lately" I told him

"I can see that," he said, we both went silent

"So when are were you going to tell me that Max was your ex?" He said, I almost choked in my sandwich.

"How did you.." I was saying before he cut me off,

"From the dinner we had, not to mention you're really angry whenever he's mentioned" he said taking sip of his drink,

"He called today" I told him,

"And" he asked me

"Apologized, but I don't know if I can forget what he did to me" I told him, he smiled at me before grabbing my hand.

"Then don't, forgive but don't forget. Until the time comes and you don't remember what he did. Get your second chance at love." He said, he had a sad smile on his face.

"If I had a second chance at love, I would do anything to see my Nick one more time." He said looking out past me, sometimes I forget that Simon had someone.

Nick is his one true love, they fell hard for each other, from what I heard it was great until Nick was sent to a camp and brainwashed to be "straight". Last Simon heard was that he took over from his father and in a stable straight relationship.

Simon goes to therapy, and he plans on living the rest of his life as a accountant. For someone who's so out going, he's a major stiff at work.

"So what do you think I should do?" I asked him,

"What do you want to do?" He asked me back,

"I think, I should be friends with him first" I said, he grinned at me.

"I'm rooting for you, now I got to hurry. I got tons of work to do, oh and I call dibs in being Best Man. However I think I got to fight your siblings over that." He said rushing out, I laughed as I watched him leave.

It was late when I finished, and just as I was about to leave my office but I knew I had to do this.

"This better be good" He said

"Don't hang up, just listen" I said,

"I'm sorry, for hanging up. You can't just drop something like that and accept an answer so quick but after thinking about it and listening to some good advice. We can start off as friends again, and then see if it leads to anywhere. I can forgive you but I can't forget unless we work in it." I said finishing,

"Max, you still there?" I said, since it was quiet,

"Oh Thank God, I was ready to send a couple dozens roses tomorrow." He said, it felt good to laugh with him again,

"Stop with the flowers and gifts, I'll see you in the next big meeting and take it from there" I told him,

"I love you Brandon, and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to get you back." He said before hanging up, I didn't realize I had a smile on my face when I finally left the building to head home.

As I got in my car, I called the only other people who would respect my decision.

"What do you want Brandon" my sister said,

"I have to wake up early tomorrow, this better be good" Lucas said

"It is" I said as I started heading back home,

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