Chapter 19

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For the next 2 weeks we've been better, but that doesn't mean we don't still have that tension since the marriage talk. His father has been trying to make amends with him, he has been doing his best but I know it still hurts.

He has panic attacks when I'm not there, I remember the first time it happened. It was after us getting back together, I was making breakfast and only left for about 10 minutes.

When I bought the food to my room he was breathing hard, and saying 'he's gone'. Just kept on repeating it, finally when I sat next to him. He looked up, I told him I'm here not going anywhere. He held onto to me so tight and showed me just how much he loved me.

Now, we usually stayed in my apartment, I didn't know how to bring up the moving in talk without it piggy back onto the whole marriage talk. So now either his head is on my chest, or his arms around my waist. He told me it's the only way he can sleep, I found it very sexy and romantic which lead to me not spending enough time with my family.

It was Sunday, he was gonna pick me up and take to my parents house for our weekly dinner which I was glad to be going. He picked me right around 5, with a bunch of bags on his wrist.

"What are those?' I asked him as he stepped into my office,

"Toys for your siblings, why is it too much" he asked, I laughed while pulling him in for a much needed kiss. I missed his touch, smell and most importantly his lips.

"I missed you too, now hurry we don't want to be late for dinner" he said, I followed him down to his car. I grabbed the bags while he drove to my parents place.

"Lucas and Isabella are gonna be there you know?' I asked him, his eyes were glued to the road

"I know" he said,

"Don't worry, I got your back" I told him, he laughed

"I'm not but you can have my front as well" he said,

"And you had to ruin it" I said causing him to laugh while I looked out the window, he grabbed my hand forcing me to look away from the trees and at the beautiful man I call Max. He kissed my hand while giving me a look of pure lust and unspoken promises for later.

We pulled up in front of the gate, I punched in the pin and drove in front of the house. My mom never moved after dad bought the 'house' for us, he did add to the property over the years. I grabbed the bags while he fixed himself in the mirror and we walked inside. I know he was nervous so I grabbed his hand.

"We're home" I yelled, I could hear my siblings make a run for it. I handed his bags just in time to get pulled into a huge family hug.

"How's my favorite siblings in the entire world" I told them,

"Sad, you didn't come for so long" my sister Ava said,

"I'm sorry, work took over" I told her,

"Dad, uses that excuse as well" NJ said, causing me to laugh. They all moved back and started right behind me, I forgot they never met Max.

"Guys, this is Max my" I was saying when I was interrupted,

"Boyfriend" Isabella said,

"He's the one who hurt you" Alex said looking at him, I was just about to answer but he beat me too it.

"Yes, I did. I am very sorry for doing that and I apologized for it a lot" He said bending down to their level,

"Did you beg?" Ava asked, I was gonna tell them to stop

"Yes, gave flowers and chocolates" he said, with a smile

"Good, Brandon loves sweets like Mama" NJ said

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