10 Minutes

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     "Then my thoughts were only of you..." Billie sang as he looked out onto the crowd. He sang with passion, as if he were singing to 100,000 people in a sold out stadium. But there were only 10. In a basement. He quickly forgot about the whole thing as soon as he noticed a girl in the crowd. She had black hair. Dreads. Red lipstick. He kept singing and looked away. But he didn't sing the same way anymore. He sang as if had snapped out of deep thought, which he had. A bit slower this time. Less passion. You know what I mean. He was still thinking about the girl. He really wanted to talk to her. The whole time, he kept glancing in her direction to make sure she was still there. He couldn't wait any longer. He gave Mike a look. Nod. "Uh... this thing work? Yeah, I was just singing into it. Stupid. Just wanna thank you all for coming. Really means a lot to us. We kinda suck. Anyway, that's it for tonight. We'll be touring around here again probably next year. You guys are cool. Thanks for being here tonight." The basement started to clear out. He looked for the girl. No sign of her. He put away his stuff in the van, disappointed. "Did you guys see that girl? Long black dreads? In the crowd?" "I didn't," Mike reassured. "Neither did I," said John. He walked out to the side of the van and put his hat on. Went there to think. 

"Um... hi," the girl nervously said.

"Huh? Oh, hi!" Billie answered in relief. He had spaced out and didn't notice her coming. She was a small girl.

"I just wanted to know where I could get your guys' album? You guys are really good," she asked.

"Oh, well, that's easy. You could go to a music store around here. Although it'll be kinda hard to find. Nobody really has bought one so we didn't put out many other ones. But I'll just give you one from the ones we have here," he said. 

"Oh, okay. Thanks," she said.

He handed her a record and she asked for a picture. 

"Of course. Although I don't... really have a camera," he explained. 

"Oh! I do. But someone has to take it," she said. She looked out into the open. "Aaand no one's here." Fortunately, John was making his way around the truck to find Billie. The girl's face lit up. "Hey! Could you take a picture of us? Pleasee," she asked. "Sure," John agreed. She handed him the camera. "Alright. Get in." The two dorkishly got into position. They crashed into each other. "Oh, sorry," Billie said, with a nervous giggle. They finally stood still. "You know what?" John suggested, "Move over here," he signaled, camera still in the air. "Why?" she asked. "The sun will hit you over here. Kinda hard to see your faces where you are right now." They obeyed. Billie put his arm on her back. Instant butterflies. Picture is taken. "Okay, there," John reassured. He handed the camera to Billie. Billie showed it to the girl. "You look so cute, ha" he said, without thinking. "Hey, what's your name?" he continued. "Adrienne. You can call me Adie." "Adie? Like the number 80?" She laughed. "Yeah. Sure." 80 flashed him a smile. "Well, thanks for the album and pic! I have to go. See ya!" "Wait! You think you could... you know, give your number?" Billie asked. "Of course," she said. She wrote it down for him. "Cool. Thanks. I'll give you a call sometime," he said. She smiled again. "Okay, looking forward to it." She started to leave, smiled at him once more, and disappeared. "Wow. She's awesome," he sighed. "You've known her for 10 minutes," John reminded.

   "Yep. I can feel it. Hey man don't judge," Billie told Mike. "How can she be the one if you barely even know her name?" Mike asked. "Shut up. Don't rain on my parade. Besides, I'm gonna call her. Just you watch. She's gonna be mine," Billie declared. "Don't say I didn't warn ya," Mike warned as he got into position for a nap. They were on their way back to California. Tour was over. The drive was gonna be pretty long. Those 30 hours on the road had been worth it. And they were going to be again. Billie was already thinking of another tour of the midwest to see Adrienne. Probably next year. 

   Man, wonder how many miles between California and Minnesota, Billie thought to himself. "Hey John! How many miles are there between California and Minnesota? Like in total. Starting point to ending point," he asked. "Uh. I dunno. 2,000 maybe." "Huh. Feels like LIGHT YEARS. When are we getting home? My ass hurts," he complained. 

   He couldn't stop thinking about her. He was really infatuated already. He wondered if she liked him too. "John." "Billie." "You were there. You think Adrienne was into me?" "Wh-what?" he asked, intrigued. "Man, you're fucking clueless. Of course she did. It was obvious. She kept smiling at you. She was nervous. She GAVE you her REAL number. Most times girls give me fake numbers. Plus, I could tell by the way she looked at you. And you aren't far behind, either." "What do you mean? I was totally cool about it." "No. You were not. You giggled nervously a lot. And what was that? You called her cute. Could you MAKE it any more obvious?" "Shit, that was obvious. I just blurted that out. At least I have her number though." "Wait. How do you know it's even real?" "I don't..." he suddenly panicked. "Fuck. I wish I had a phone right now. What if she totally played me? Gosh!" "Sorry dude. You're gonna have to waiiiit...." he looked at the clock, "about 14 more hours till we get home." "I guess," Billie said. He sunk into his seat and dozed off. 

   5 hours pass. "Hey man, wake up," Mike whispered. Shaking Billie. He woke up. "Wh-what's going?" he groggily asked. "We're stopping for gas. Want anything? Food? Go to the bathroom?" 

"Naw man."

He was about to go back to sleep. His eyes popped open. 

"Wait!!!!!!!" he yelled. He ran for the gas station's public phone. 

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