Chapter 1

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2 years later- Dylan is seventeen

I stumble through the forest as a monster walks towards me,gurgling out words. I grab my gun "Screw you," I glare at it before pulling the trigger right between it's eyes. It collapses right below me. I roll my eyes and keep walking as I hear a cry for help in the distance. Should I even bother? Should I bother helping someone who clearly isn't made for this world?

I walk slowly towards the scene as I see a boy,about twelve or thirteen helplessly trying to get away from about five monsters. He has frizzy hair and he's quite chubby. He points in the direction of the monsters.

"Help me!" He calls out as he begins to cry "Help me,please!"

I push past him and plunge my knife into each of the monsters' heads,watching them fall like dominos- one by one. Once I'm done I don't even look at the boy,I just keep walking.

"Stop,stop. Don't go!" He cries "Please. I'm lost."

"Your stupid mistake!" I snap at him.

"Please-I need to find my parents. We have a camp. You can come," I stop and turn to him as he says this "Yes a camp. With food,water,shelter. Thomas and Will said they'd let me come with them on a supply run,we were in a store and I lost them. It got overthrown by the creatures and so I had to run. Please,I can get you to the camp."

"How do I know you're not using me as bate?"

"I wouldn't do that. I'm innocent," he holds up his hands in a sign of surrender "My names Chuck." (I know it should be Blake but I prefer Chuck) "What's your name?"

"Dylan. You can put your hands down. How far is this camp?"

"About forty minutes away. We can pass the place where Thomas and Will are. Let's go."

I shrug and walk with him "How many of you are in this camp?"

"About 20. There's about 9 kids and the rest are adults. Everyone's nice though."

"Who runs the place?"

"It was Thomas' parents,but they died. It's Thomas now,he's eighteen. He has rules but if you follow them you'll be just fine."

I scoff "I ain't getting on my knees and worshipping this guy. He's not the boss of me."

"Is that so!?" A voice booms behind me. I jump and turn round to see a guy with bright hazel eyes and perfectly combed blonde hair,despite the conditions. Another guy stands behind him but I'm not bothered to pay him any attention.

"This is Dylan," Chuck says "He saved me from those creatures. I said we could help him."

"Maybe we can," the blonde smirks "I'm Thomas,this is Will,and you are?"

"Dylan." I respond.

"How many people have you killed?" He asks.

"excuse me?"

"Answer the question,dumbass!" The pointy-eyebrowed guy snaps.

"I haven't killed any people. I've killed about twenty monsters though. Why do you wanna know?"

"No reason. Welcome aboard," Thomas shakes my hand "Dylan if you're going to be a part of this camp you need to follow the rules and you need to provide. This is your best chance of survival. You understand?"

"Yes. Yes I understand."

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