Chapter 10

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I am aware that nobody really is viewing this story. But I still have motivation to finish it :) and omg this was such a long update from me so I hope you liked it. I hope to make these updates these lengths from now on. Enjoy!!
Ps-as mentioned before I have changed some names (eg-Teresa to Kaya) and I have kept some tmr names (Harriet/not Natalie)

I wake up to a bright light... I attempt to move my hands but their tied behind my back. I'm about to scream until I see Kat beside me. Her cheeks are stained with tears and like me,she's tied to a chair.

"Hello fellow Gladers!" A voice calls as a man walks in with a smirk plastered upon his face. He looks pretty young,with scruffy brown hair and piercing green eyes "you liking the place?"

"What the hell did you do!?" I growl,trying to yank myself free of the rope.

"You were asleep so we found ya and took you here. We want you to work for us."

"This isn't a sanctuary!" Kat cries "let us go!"

"Can't do that in afraid," he laughs "she's a feisty one isn't she? You work for us or you die. We prove refuge and hope. You seriously wanna know what happened to the last person who tried to mess with us?" He leans down and growls into Kat's ear,making his tone still audible to me "we cut off his hands,then arms,then eyes and we let him get devoured by biters. Still wanna cross me in the wrong direction sweetheart?"

"No..." She chokes out "I'm sorry."

"Good. Now I'm going to let the boy go first,if he even punches me I will cut his then your eyes out. I've got all your weapons and there's no point in running." He cuts the ropes and stands me up "sucks don't it? The moment you realise you don't know shit. What's your name little man?"

"Will..." I lie "my name is Will."

"Well Will. I found this little beauty in your pocket," he pulls out my gold chain "this is yours right? Well it's a beauty! But,I think I'll be holding onto it for a while. Now," he grabs my wrist "Come with me."

"Don't let me leave her," I motion to Kat "Please. Please don't."

"You'll see your little love bird later if you do all as I say. Got that?"

"Yes," I nod as he drags me outside,all I see is large fence after fence until he takes me into a large factory room where many people are searching monsters for valuables. They do this then dispose of them on a pile of their bodies.

"Get this boy to work now!" The man commands "if he refuses you tell me."

He leaves and slams the door behind him as someone walks up to me,an older girl with dark skin and hair cut almost to her scalp.

"I suggest you work..." She whispers "please,whatever they've done to you there's more."

"I came here to try and stay safe. I wanted a better life," I tell her.

"Didn't we all?" She sighs "I'm Harriet by the way."

"Dylan," I shake her hand "have you ever found any weapons on these monsters?"

"Not anything serious. But if we do and we're found hiding it,we're dead."

"I need something. A blade,a pill,a gun."


"Because I'm going to kill every single person who runs this place."

"Are you crazy!? You are going to get everyone and yourself killed! Please,this is your life now."

"This isn't a life. How long have you been here for?"

"Three months and I've hated every second of everyday. But this rage,it's going to get you killed. You're a good guy but you will die if you do this and I don't want you to die because I can't watch it happen to anyone else ever again." I nod slowly and begin to search through the pockets of the monsters- "Dylan,where we you before?"

"I ran away from someone I loved and I got taken here. The boy I love... Me and his sister got taken here. I need to keep her alive."

"Just follow the rules and you'll be fine," she whispers "please Dylan. You don't wanna get anyone killed."

"No..." I choke out and begin to search through pockets of the dead. I do this for hours with no break,no food or water and most importantly,no Kat. We work until a loud bell signals what Harriet tells me is dinner. We follow in a perfectly-symmetrical line to a large hall where we all grab a tray. I glare in disgust as a boy drops a dollop of porridge and bread on my plate.

"What the hell is this?" I mumble.

"New guy huh?" He chuckles "this is the best you're gonna get man. This is all they give me to serve you guys. If it was up to me we'd be having ice cream and takeout pizza. It doesn't work like that does it?"

"I'm Dylan," I tell him "you?"

"Frypan," he smiles "well,it's Dexter but I think Frypan is better. It makes people laugh and that's what we need to keep our spirits up huh? I wish you luck Dylan."

"Thanks." I shake his hand and walk off with my tray. I see Kat sitting alone and I sprint to her,hugging her tight in my arms "I thought you were gone..." I cry.

"Gone where? Dylan we're okay. We are. We can always be okay here. I promise."

I nod and hold her tight but she encourages me to eat up,which I do; I practically wolf down my meal.

"Dylan," Harriet smiles and sits opposite me "I was told to give you your dorm number,it's 250. The rooms are tiny and there's two to a room,no mixed genders. I housed you with Fry but the window that is next to your bed is at the edge of the building. The view you have means you can see the girls room in the building opposite. You can see your friend," she nods to Kat "you guys are gonna be okay."

Kat smiles widely "you're so lovely. I can't thank you enough."

Harriet nods "it's good to keep hope alive. I have to take Kat to our room,I need to get you settled in and showered. We can pass notes through the window because the boys house and the girls house are so close together. I've got plenty of pens and paper."

"Okay," Kat hugs me tightly "I'll see you Dylan. I love you."

"You too..." I hold her until I know I have to let her go. Harriet helps her up and they along with a few other girls walk to the doors. Before she leaves,she turns round and gives me a quick smile before exiting the canteen.

"I'll help you get back then," a boy walks up to me. It shocked me how kind people were here,then again they were probably like any other person before the world broke. The boy before me is a dark-haired boy with warm brown skin and dark eyes. "I'm Alex. Friends with Fry. I'll get you back to your place."

"Thanks," I walk with him to an extremely large plain building,almost like a block of flats. There's no colour and a few smashed windows and mouldy yellow walls. After flights of steps we eventfully reach the room 250 and Alex opens it up for me. There is two windows,one in the middle of the room and the other next to one of the beds facing the girls building (the one Harriet told me about). There are two small beds and two small drawers and a lamp. I sigh and sit myself down.

"You were taken here?" Alex asks as he closes the door.

"I woke up and here I was," I tell him "has anyone ever tried to break out of this place?"

"Yes." He sighs "two older men. They were stabbed in the stomach ten times, executed in public. They died in agony and all we could do was watch them die and... we couldn't do anything about it. Me,Fry and Harriet and Aris have dreamed of an escape plan but it's too risky. Someone could get hurt,someone could get killed. We can't take that chance. You'll soon feel the same."

I scoff and shake my head "No..." I growl as Frypan walks in,accompanied by another brown haired boy "they're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out."

"Find out what?" Fry asks.

"They're fucking with the wrong people."

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