Chapter 8

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We lie in bed like a mess that someone's been meaning to clean for the large part of a long while. My arms wrapped tightly around him,his head burrowed in my chest. I pull back slowly and decide not to wake him. Kaya stands by the door with a sweet smile plastered across her face-I place a hand on her shoulder.

"Dylan. I think we should stop looking for something that isn't going to be found," she whispers "Please Dylan. You need to stop thinking that it's your responsibility to save everyone. It's not."

"I know. But I have to try..." I mumble "you don't have to come. I won't stop until I've found her safe and sound."

Before she can reply I walk past her and back out into the forest- my day repeating itself over and over. You see,there are people,they always die; and the bad people do too. But the weak people? We have inherited the earth.

Hopelessness floods into my soul. This is so pointless. Is this life now? Just keep running and surviving. If this is life I do not want it. I feel the tears in my eyes as I fall down against a tree,sobbing into my hands because I don't know what to do. I'm not sure if this life is worth fighting for.

"Dylan?" Will walks towards me and I quickly wipe my tears away "were you crying?"

"So what if I was?" I mumble "you can't tell me you haven't cried since the world went to shit."

"This bitch... She got you walking round here like a dead man. She's probably dead Dylan,I'd just forget her-"

He can't finish his sentence before my fist connects with his face. He grunts and howls in pain as I kick him down and I continue punching him. He tries to scratch my face but I punch him harder-I wanted to watch his whole body spout with blood. His face was a bruised lilac as I step back,feeling triumphant with my prize.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Will yells.

"The world. That's what's wrong with me!" I yell back. I'm about to punch him again when I hear a rusting of footsteps. I hold up my gun as a figure throws itself onto Will. For a minute I think it's a monster but it's not,it's just a girl. Will manages to shove him off and hold a gun to her head. I watch the girl- a pretty, older teenager with long brown hair and dark eyes that made the whites seem to glow brightly.

"Don't Will." I command.

"You wanna know what happened to the last person who did that to me?" Will snarls at her,yanking her up by her ear as he begins to drag her away. All I can do is stand there feeling hopeless.

"Will stop!" I yell as he yanks the girl back to the house. The others run downstairs and stare at me in question.

"This girl here almost killed me!" Will yells "she attacked me! Thomas,chain her up then we'll decide on a punishment. Do as I say. Now!"

Thomas jumps and scurries off with the the as I watch the others huddle around in the kitchen.

"So what were you thinking of doing?" Kaya asks.

"What do you think?!" Will scoffs.

You wanna kill her?" I mumble "just because she jumped on you out of fear?"

"If you wanna let her live,tell me why," Will says coldly.

"Dyl,you're on your own in this. I'm sorry," Thomas sighs as he walks back into the room "I agree with Will."

"How can you think that!?" I demand "let her go or give her a chance to prove herself."

"Give him a chance for what? So she'll kill someone else!?" Will snaps "we kill her,matter solved."

"Put yourself in her shoes. All of us have done wrong,all of us have done our fair amount of shit. But it's a shitty world and we have to work together," I state. "this is a girls life. She's a person,not a monster don't you understand that!? If we do this,how are we any better than the monsters who roam our world?"

"Will would kill her,quick and painless," Thomas whispers,not able to look me in the eye.

I scoff and shake my head "Thomas,the day we met you said that we should still have our humanity. You want him dead,fine. I take it you're gonna watch Will kill this innocent girl? No you're not. You'll hide away because you know it's the wrong thing. You know what? I don't wanna be a part of a group like this,a group of murders who kill the living. Our group is broken. It always has been."

I grab my bag and hoist it around my shoulder,my eyes locked on Thomas'. I lean down and press a long kiss to his forehead.

"Don't leave," he begs "Please Dylan,please."

"You wanted to kill an innocent person. I can't be with you Thomas." I say as my heart shatters into a million pieces "I won't be with you. When I first met you,I thought you were the only other man on this world. But you're not."

"Your all I have..." He whimpers "after Sonya I only have you-"

"Maybe you should've kept an eye on her!" I growl and storm out the house. I hear Thomas crying out after me but I knew I had to keep going. I didn't belong there,or anywhere anymore...

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