Chapter 2

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The camp was lively,but not too lively to attract any monsters. Tents and trailers were set up-people were laughing and smiling. How could they in such a broken world? I look around in utter shock at the site. I hadn't seen a real smile for years.

"How is everyone happy?" I mumble "How are people smiling?"

"The world we know is gone. That's for sure," Thomas sighs "but keeping our humanity? That's a choice. Let me show you where you're staying. We're a little cramped so you can stay with me and Chuck. That okay?"

"That's fine," I smile as he leads me into a small trailer. "Thank you," I hold my supplies close as I sit myself down on an extremely comfy sofa.

"What happened to you?" He asks "No family?"

"My family is dead." I tell him "Got killed two years ago and I watched them turn. I wanted to give up,I don't want to live in a world like this... But I promised my family I'd live for them. So I'm going to live for as long as I can."

"You want to die?"


"But you won't let yourself,for your family. We're all going to die and there's no way you'll ever be ready for it. You can come on supply trips with us,you seem strong enough. Don't worry about it,my family are in the UK but the last thing I heard the whole world was invested with the living-dead. The only family I have left is my sister."

"I wanted to die for what I lost," I mumble "I'll stay with you for a while,maybe a few months-I'll help you gather your supplies but then I'll leave because I want to see if any of my other family is out there- I have cousins,grandparents who I need to find."

"I understand," he sighs "but come,meet the others. Have some food and then rest,we got a big day tomorrow."

I obey and walk outside with Thomas to a group of kids around my age,Will and Chuck are there. There's also an Asian guy and two beautiful girls-one with blonde hair (a spitting image of Thomas) and the other a brunette.

"So,that's Ki Hong,Kaya and my sister Kat," Thomas introduces us "Guys,this is Thomas. You like people calling you Dyl?"

"It's Dylan. That's it," I nod and sit in the circle.

"Hey," the girl called Kaya winks at me,twirling her hair "So,how did you find this place?"

"Chuck..." I mumble "He introduced me."

"You looked so messed up I thought for a second you were a creature," Will glares at me as he see's Kaya's actions "Kaya is my girlfriend. Just thought I'd clear that up."

"You didn't need to clear anything up,Will. We're fine," Kaya sighs and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh,I think I did," he scowls "I'm going to bed. Come on," he yanks Kaya up,wrapping his arm tightly around her waist as they walk into the distance.

"Don't get on the bad side of Will," Kat smiles in my direction "it won't help fix anything."

"I won't."

"Thought you'd be hungry," Thomas returns and hands me a plate containing pasta coated in sauce and bread. I thank him and begin to eat,scoffing the food down.

"How long was it since you've ate,buddy?" Ki Hong chuckles.

"Weeks..." I say between bites "Unless you count a few dead worms and a rotten banana."

"We grow our own crops here," Kat smiles "any vegetable you can dream of."

"Thank you. Honestly,thank you." I smile warmly at her and she smiles back.

"You don't know thank me. Welcome to safety Dylan. Enjoy your stay."

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