Please Be Mine

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its the end D:

ill upload an epilogue soon, and im beginning to write a sequel :D

so enjoy this bit, and thanks for being with me on this journey :D

much love,



 I watched as Lou and Niall came back from Nandos’ carrying a bag-full of food. Nialler looked grumpy. I poked him on the shoulder as he sat down.

 “What’s up doc?”

 He gave me a reproachful stare, rubbed his arm and grumbled to himself. Bless his little cotton socks. My eyes wandered around the campfire. Liam and Zayn were sleeping, both of them hugging Harry’s sides, who was dozing off too. My eyes caught Louis’ and he grinned happily at me, nudging his head to the side indicating for me to come closer to him. I happily complied, cuddling up to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I rested my head on his chest.

  I was just drifting off to sleep when Louis poked my face.


 I smiled sweetly at him.

 “Yes Boo-Bear?”

 He pointed into the bushes.

 “Come,” he said. I looked at him. His eyelid was fluttering, and he kept playing with his jacket sleeve. He was nervous.

 I nodded and followed him.

  We walked a short way, before he came to a halt in a little clearing. The stars above me twinkled happily. Twinkle twinkle little star. Louis turned to face me. He screwed up his face for a second, as if trying to decide what to say.

 “Asdjrktrhtjskf,” he said. Whaa?

“I’m sorry, say again?” I said slowly. Louis swallowed and fidgeted some more. I took his hands in mine, stopping him from destroying his jacket. He swallowed loudly.

 “I… I love you Simone,”


He kept talking.

 “Ever since I met you…. I dunno… It was just something… I dunno… But when you saw me and Harry and then ran out… I followed you… and then you and Zayn… Argh screw it. I love you,”

 I gaped at him.

 “I know this isn’t the most romantic thing to do,” he said, talking more slowly now.

 “I’m not as good as Zayn or Harry when it comes to thinking of this stuff – “

 I silenced him.

 “This is perfect,” I smiled. And it was. Alone in out little world, night birds cooed softly, the dark blue sky peppered with a billion shining stars.

 “If I was Zayn, I would probably come up with some romantic line right now, but I’m stuck,” Louis muttered. I laughed and tangled my hands in his hair.

 “I love you Louis,”

 His mouth dropped open. He looked like a fish. I gagged back the urge to laugh.

 “What – Really? Like seriously?” 

 I nodded, biting my lip to control the spasms of laughter echoing up inside me.

 “Well… That’s great! I mean, yeah that’s cool…” Louis trailed off again. I brushed some loose hair away from his eyes. His hands suddenly left mine and he knelt in front of me. My heart lurched. No, this couldn’t be –

 Hands fumbling, he pulled something out of his pocket. A little red box. I gasped involuntarily.

 “Simone,” he said softly, gazing up at me with those electrifying eyes. He opened the box towards me.

  There, nestled inside the plush velvet, stood a little silver ring, I could just make out the words inscribed on it.

 I love you.

 “This isn’t a wedding ring,” Louis said. Not yet, I thought in my head, then immediately smacked myself. Focus Simone!

 “It’s a promise ring, because I want you to promise me something.”

 He took the ring out of the box and grasped my right hand, gently slipping it on my ring finger. He looked me in the eyes. His pools of deep greeny-blue meeting with my rather ordinary looking brown ones. He stroked my cheek.

 “You are perfect,” he murmured. I swear my heart wasn’t beating anymore. His hands cupped my cheeks.

 “So what I’m asking is…” he whispered to me.

 “Will you please be mine, forever?”

Please Be Mine [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now