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"YAAAAAAH" Hoseok quickly yelled just after slamming the door pretty hard.

And his curses were still audible.





I fell on my knees.

I couldn't feel anything anymore.
Neither my heart, nor my hands, nor legs, not even my own head.
Daehwan's words left me in a state of shock as those same words were the only thing present in my mind, playing over and over.

I couldn't bring myself to believe what I had heard.
My subconscious was telling me it was all an hallucination, that I was hearing things and such yet I didn't want for it to be a dream at the same time.

A sudden spur of excitement started rising from the pits of my chest and it made me feel like screaming and squealing and squirming.

I started jumping around the living room like a kangaroo, sometimes taking uneven steps, almost as running and stumbling. A ticklish feeling in my stomach grew to my throat, transforming into spontaneous laughter. I couldn't faintly explain my actions, I just did what I felt like doing; if in that moment anyone saw me they would've really thought I was out of my mind.

Picking up a cushion laying on the couch,I then threw it at the wall and randomly started kicking it.

Right then Hoseok walked in.


He kept staring at me for a good few seconds, trying to understand what I was doing. I didn't dare move an inch and stayed with a foot hanging in the air like an idiot.

Hobi bursted in laughter. The only sound in that room was the sound of his contagious and hilarious laughter. He laughed so much that after two minutes he was holding his stomach, slightly bended, grabbing onto the nearest thing available.

At first it was ok that he was making fun of me but seeing he had no intention of stopping, my involuntary pouty face came out.

"ok ok sorry" Hoseok apologised before looking at me with a poker face.

"pfft" he held a hand on his mouth to stop but his cheeks still puffed up.

A little irritated I picked my phone and started typing, as he did the same.

Me: what's so funny

Mr Jung: what's not so funny

I gave him a dull look and put the device back in my jeans' pocket, walking back to my room, sulking.

He hurriedly followed behind, not letting me close the door once I was in.

Hoseok's expression became worried, worried if he made me upset or something, little did he know I had no idea on how to handle the embarrassment; although he should've been the embarrassed one...because you know...his friend just blurted that he... he... he...ok yea that.

I sat on my bed with a loud thump forcing my pouty plus angry face.

"Hey" the boy softly whispered, kneeling down in front of me so I would directly look into his eyes.
"Why are you so angry" he was being comprehensive which definitely made me feel guilty.

Hobi put his hand on mine as if to comfort my anger, gently rubbing with his thumb.
Without any impulse from my brain, the hand he grabbed started trembling, I couldn't control it. Not to mention my head that was starting to hurt along with my overwhelmed poor heart.

I was looking away, not in a million years I would've let him see my face in that exact moment.
Clearly figuring I was internally going insane, I sensed him smirk while grabbing my hand tighter.

No no no no no no no boi what are you doing

I was about to burst in a puddle of tears because of the tangle of unexplainable emotions inside me.

Packing up the last bit of strength left, because this damn boy drained all of my energy, I tried snatching the hand away but Hoseok, not did he only clutch my hand stronger, also looked at me with a more piercing and serious gaze.

Even though I wasn't looking back, I felt his burning stare upon my skin, as if he was rummaging through the secrets of my soul.
It made me afraid. I was both terrified of glancing into those dangerous deep eyes and fall in 'love' and that side of Hoseok that I never usually got to see on screen.

"Will you look at me, Jessie?"

This was one of the rarest times ever that he called me 'Jessie'.

I couldn't.
I just
I didn't want to risk it all.
I knew that if in that moment I looked back, everything would've went downhill.

Our friendship, us, our lives.

Yet... I did.
I was tempted and I did.
I stared back into his alluring dark orbs as I fell, maybe a little late or maybe a little early. I was attracted into them like stars in a black hole and fell, not being able to fight against gravity.

"So?" Hoseok broke my daydream with a half smile plastered on his face.

Me: so what

Mr Jung: why are you angry

Me: nothing

Mr Jung: you can't answer like that
Mr Jung: give me a proper reason

Me: I have the right to silence u.u

Mr Jung: you don't not in this case


Mr Jung: I have the right to know too
Mr Jung: so how's that

Me: I hate you

Mr Jung: good

Me: now can you let go of my hand it's starting to hurt

He took a few seconds to realize and when he finally did, he moved his warm hand away at the speed of the light.
"Sorry hehe so you're not mad anymore?"

I shook my head still incredulous.

"Oki" with that Hoseok left my room, leaving me alone.

So now that I love him, is it okay for me to say that I wanted him to stay? That I wanted him to keep holding my hand so our fingers wouldn't have gaps in between anymore? That I wanted him to make me an emotional mess because I just loved him so much all of a sudden? That I wanted him to whisper sweet nothings in my ear just to feel his breath against my skin and shiver? That he would be near me anytime and everytime so I wouldn't feel incomplete?

I felt dizzy.
Too many things were happening in my life and I couldn't keep up.
I laid down, staring at the candid ceiling.
My mind, from chaos became instantly quiet for some reason.

Jung Hoseok. What have you done.

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