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I quickly took a shower without using any shampoo or soap. It was already embarassing bathing in someone else's house and even worse if they're idols. To add fuel to fire they were BTS and I didn't have my own stuff with me so...

I hurriedly blow dried my hair and slipped in the clothes Hoseok had given me.
The joggers didn't really suit my size: around the waist they were pretty large and the length was extreme, so I folded them just till above my ankles. Not mentioning the over, totally over sized hoodie but the tee was pretty cool.
I had almost forgotten the difference of height between me and him...
Like I only reached his shoulder, therefore of course his clothes would measure bigger for me.


I couldn't help but notice the pleasing scent on them. It gave me a happy and comforting feeling just like Hobi.

Omg maybe he wears these to practice! Ejdddnfjkknjkslllakb

Eww then he must have sweat a lot but I doubt he'd give me dirty clothes otherwise they would've stinked.

Why am I bothering myself with stupid stuff anyway ugh

I sneaked out of the bathroom and not finding Hobi in there, walked out to the living room.

Their dorm, which I got to admire only in that moment, was really big. And messy. The boys definitely needed to clean up more often during their free time.

Halfway I harshly bumped into someone and fell.

"Yah are you blind" a manly voice scolded me.
I slowly got up and saw Yoongi brushing off invisible dust from his clothes.
When he saw it was me his expression immediately changed into an apologetic one.
"Oh Jiji I didn't see you coming" he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh you're going to eat dinner right?"

I nodded.

"Then come with me, you might get lost" I followed behind Yoongi who looked like a tower even though his height wasn't much.
I remembered him being shorter though.

We soon reached a huge, extremely huge room, this one messy too.
Jin, Hoseok and Jimin were putting the dishes on a large table and stopped to greet me when I was there.

"Jijiiii" Jimin ran to hug me in an adorable manner. "I missed you" he cutely whined.
"You look soo awww in bigger clothes" he was literally squishing me with his strong embrace.

Ok well yes I liked it but I couldn't breathe.

"Jimin-ah you're killing her" Jin smiled and separated him.

"Oh sorry" he smiled it off.

"Jimin go call the others- no wait I'll send them a text" Hobi ordered.

"Hyung I already did but they're not here yet" Jimin sat on a chair, smiling and patting the one beside him, signaling me to sit there.

I shyly walked over to him and did as he said.

As I was pulling the chair to sit properly, half of my untied hair fell to the side of my face; which reminded me I needed to tie them if I didn't want to eat my own hair for dinner...
Without a mirror, I tried to grab all the strands but a hand caught mine, sending me shivers because of the sudden skinship.

It was just too sudden.

"Can I do it?" Jimin asked me with such an excited expression that I couldn't say no and neither question why.

"Hihihi" he giggled like a kid.

I sat there, wondering about my life decisions, incapable of breathing properly, constantly mentally face slapping myself to wake up from this dream, biting my lower lip so hard that an iron like taste slowly spread inside my mouth and pinching my thighs continuously, they probably had assumed a violet color.

"Here, done!" he happily exclaimed while the rest of the members were entering and taking seats.

Somehow Hobi ended up sitting next to me.

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