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H0bi: whoo
H0bi: we're going to the amusement park
H0bi: ahshjkosijwbnsk

Me: ure so childish for getting excited over something like this

H0bi: but it's been really long since I last had a day off and could do whatever I want
H0bi: tell me y i shouldn't be happy

Me: uh so that's the case
Me: have fun then

H0bi: that's all?

Me: yea it's not like I'm saying I wanna go with u or smth

H0bi: i see
H0bi: don't worry Jiji one day we'll go there together

Me: who told u that
Me: i dont wanna go with u
Me: eww

H0bi: just drop that tsundere attitude ;)
H0bi: it's not a bad thing to be nice and sweet

Me: i dont wanna talk about this

H0bi is typing...

Me: maybe that day when we meet somehow ill explain

H0bi: ...ok

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