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Hoseok POV

"Hey Jiji" I called out her name for the umpteenth time when she finally decided to pay me attention.

"Are you ok?" she nodded faking the fakest smile ever.

Of course I was worried about the thoughts in her mind but I couldn't bring myself to simply ask.

"So are you ready?" I questioned eyeing the blue hoodie Jessie was wearing, one of the numerous ones I'd bought her.

It loosely embraced her fragile body, making it seem more delicate.

And that was no good for me.

At that question the girl in front of me appeared perplexed and continuously looked around as if trying to remember something. Then ran to her room, coming back with a small bag hanging from her shoulder.

"Oh so we can leave now?" I got up to exit.

All of us had planned an outing the other day. The idea was pretty unusual because since we couldn't hang out during daylight, it was decided to have a night picnic.

I hold the door for Jiji and brought with me some stuff the others had left behind. Most of the time we never went somewhere through public transports in seven, it's highly suspicious. Even if it was around 8 pm.

Getting curious at the notification of the phone of the person beside me, I tried to peek through but Jiji hid it, staring intently at the screen with shaky orbs.

"What's wrong?" I was slightly alarmed.

She closed her eyes, heaved a sigh and put it back in her bag, gesturing it was nothing.

Lately Jiji had been often staring that way at her phone and everytime her response was the same, 'nothing'.
I tend to leave it then, fearing the subject might be too personal.

Soon we reached our planned spot, somewhere in the outskirts of the town.
Yea it was a little bit far but it's not like any of us would've slept tonight either way.

"Jiiiminiiiieee" I screamed clinging onto him as he was the first one I saw.

"Hyung eww" he pushed me away.

"Did you bring the snacks?" Jin asked while the others were preparing the food as Jiji went to help and was welcomed by hugs, which I'll admit made me jealous for some reason.

"...yea" I answered trailing off keeping an eye on her.

"Yah just ask her out" Namjoon approached with two huge bottles of water in hand.

"It's not e-"

"HYUNG OH MY GOD THEN CAN I MAKE A MOVE?" I was cut off by a wild hormoned Taehyung.

"Argh shut up" I ruffled my hair trying to sound annoyed.

Yoongi was getting close to her. It was an awkward scene because he was always the reserved one and that person who takes a lot of time to have an actual friendly relationship and share his emotions.
Although my male instincts were, like, super ready to pick a fight, it was a good thing that he'd started socializing.

Jungkook on the other hand wasn't so close. He could casually lead a conversation but wasn't the type to open up so easily.
It's better this way for me.

Once again Jessie trembled at the buzzing of her phone and unlocked her screen.
It seemed like every once the fear in her eyes grew a little bit more.

I was picking up the tents from Jin hyung's car, yes he and Jimin drove till here, when realisation hit me.


I mentally cursed at myself for being so stupid, although the reason behind her being so scared could be something else too but in any case it was better to not risk it.

When I rushed out to talk with her, she was nowhere to be seen so I went to ask the others if she'd said where she'd went, but none of them had any idea.
Everyone was busy organizing stuff and none of us had expected for something like this to happen.

Where did this idiot go now

There were a few giant trees nearby that appeared like a forest and after I warned the others, we divided up and Yoongi and Jungkook went to search in there.

Well there was no way I was going in that scary, dark, obscure, silent, creepy forest at night.

Suddenly I started thinking that something had happened to her, or some sasaeng kidnapped her or...no, I needed to keep calm.

Without me noticing I'd started running, out of terror, desperately wanting to have her near.

I'd failed in my role of protecting her, how low could I get?

My feet had brought me pretty far away from the rest of the members.
I was now standing alongside a main huge road and because it was dark, a lot of cars sprinted really fast which was pretty dangerous.
Besides, there weren't even convenience stores or anything how was I supposed to find her?

Soon I heard someone shout my name and turning around I saw Taehyung running up to me.
"Hyung..." he was trying to regulate his breath. "Back there...there's a car and..." the boy gulped telling me to follow him.

And I understood his suspicions were the same as me.

I'm finally free from school yeeess

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