How the hell do you do this?

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Ding. There went the school bell. The day was finally over. Evan jumped up from his seat and sprinted to the library, trying to avoid the cluster of people that would soon escape from their classes. He sat down at one of the computers and started typing his note.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today was alright. Nothing bad happened, but nothing good did either. Jared wasn't at school. He was likely off doing something, probably hanging out at Lush. This has been a hard week--

(**Bleh I don't feel like writing the note ;w; , sorry**)

The clacking of computer keys was the only sound you could here throughout the library. Once Evan finished the letter, he printed it. The printer was obnoxious. He stood up from the seat- to go grab his note- only to bump into Connor. Crash! "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Evan knelt down to help Connor pick up all of his belongings. Evan could hear Connor murmuring to himself, although he couldn't understand most of it, he did catch the words "keep it cool." Evan awkwardly got up off the floor, trying not to drop all of Connors books that were pressed to his chest. "I'm so sorry Connor," He handed the books to Connor and went to leave the library. "Hey, Evan, I noticed no one's signed your cast yet." He walked to the counter and grabbed a sharpie from a small container. "O-oh, it's alright..." Connor ignored Evan and walked back towards him, realizing Evan had forgot his note in the printer. Dear Evan Hansen- Connor then realized, Evan was in the same situation as him. "Uhh- Could you pl-please give that b-back?" The sound of Evan's voice made him snap back to the real world. Connor walked over to Evan, handing him the note. He then scribbled his name out in big writing across Evan's cast. "T-th-thank yo-you..." Evan stuttered awkwardly. Ding. They only had 5 minutes to get to the bus. Evan shuffled out the door, with Connor following him a few feet behind. What is with Connor today, he's acting-- nicer than usual. He climbed the steps to the bus, and sat in the first open seat he spotted. Connor then walked on the bus. Connor rides my bus?! He stopped right in front of Evan. "Hey, uh, can I sit with you...?" Evan nodded, trying not to make eye contact with him.

The bus started up and shakily rode out of the bus lane. Evan decided to try to make awkward conversation with Connor, "So uhh.. Uhmm- How was your day?" Did I really just say that? "Shit. Like every other." Evan looked up at Connor, "Everyone thinks of me as either 'the bully,' or 'that kid who threw a printer at the teacher in 2nd grade'. I just wish someone would notice me... I wish I could come out of my box.." He looked at Evan. He's the only one that understands what I'm struggling through. The only one that understands, because he's going through issues like mine. Evan couldn't stop thinking about that. Connor continued on," I've just built these walls to keep everyone out... To keep them from seeing the real me. Who I really am. Because no one would like that me anyways. So I just tend to push people away, so they can't see. But- You understand, don't you? you have similar problems to mine."

"I'm sorry Connor," Evan murmured, "You've gone through so much..." Connor looked slightly surprised by Evan's reaction. "Woah, don't have a meltdown over me, dumb-a-- I mean..." He let out an awkward cough to keep from having to finish the stupid sentence that slipped his mouth. A wretched silence filled the air. Connor broke the silence,"Do you wanna get off on the next stop and walk?" Evan wiped his hands on his pants, "U-uhh- S-s-sure..."

THIS IS ALL SMASHED INTO TWO PARAGRAPHS WTH, ME?! Anyways, sorry if the characters don't act enough like themselves, especially Connor. It's, just, kinda gonna be like that heh. Connor is just a bit nicer in this fic??? I think? Thanks for reading this!! Aaah you'll never understand how much my readers me to me! Also, I'll try my best to update daily. If not, hopefully, every other day! I've just got school which takes s o much time out of the day.

~Sincerely, Bee

(^ That rhymes with the original lyrics, whaT?)

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