You Never Knew How Wonderful That Smile Could Make Someone Feel

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                                               (*Trigger warning: Self-harm, suicidal thoughts*)

Two months after Connor and Evan started talking☆

It was 1:08 am and Evan was still up, sitting on his bed, writing something on his laptop. His phone went off, the name that popped up was "Connor". Evan answered the call, "Hey Connor, is everything alright?..." Connor never called Evan past midnight, unless something was the matter. The only time that they'd be on the phone past midnight is when one of them would call before then and talk for a few hours. Maybe Connor didn't realize it was past midnight. It is only a few minutes past so he probably didn't think it would be a big deal. "Can you come over...?" Connor said abruptly, cutting in on Evan's thoughts. His voice sounded very shaky. Evan shut his laptop and put it on the end of his bed. "Uhm, yeah." Evan rushed out the door. "Do you mind staying on the phone with me 'til then..?" "Not at all." Evan bolted out the house door and ran for the Murphys' house. It was only a few blocks down the road from his house. Not much was said until Evan reached his house. "I-I'm outside, s-so I'm go-going to hang up." Connor nodded and hung up. Evan opened a window and slid through it. He silently rushed up the stairs, stopping at Connors door. He took a few deep breaths before calmly opening the door. He was still panting from running all the way to Connor's house. Connor was balled up in the corner of his bed. Evan walked over and sat on the end of the bed, placing a hand on Connor. He jumped when he felt Evan's hand and slowly sat up. "Evan... I've been getting worse. I'm not sure what to do anymore." Connor turned around to face Evan. He rolled up his jacket sleeves and revealed his arms that were covered in cuts. He started to tear up, "I'm sorry," he mumbled. Evan pulled Connor into a hug, holding back his tears. "I'll help you get through this. I believe in you. No matter how hard it gets, I'll be here for you. You are wanted, Connor." "It just feels like everything I've built up is now crashing down on me..." Evan rubbed his hand up and down Connor's back. "This'll probably be the worst day of your life, but I promise you can make it through the rest of tonight; I promise tomorrow will be better... We-we can go get ice cream or something... I'll get you help. I'll even pay; and if you don't want to do it alone, I'll even go with you."  Evan reassured Connor that he'd get better a few more times until Connor started to calm down. Connor pulled away from the hug and turned his gaze to his feet. Evan stood up reluctantly and unconfidently muttered, "Well I guess I'd better go..." Evan mind whirled with thoughts of what could happen if he left Connor alone. Fortunately, Connor asked him to stay the night. They both knew of the dark possibilities that could happen if Connor was left alone, and neither of them really wanted them to become a reality, so Connor set up a bed for Evan. Connor passed out after they talked for an hour or so. Evan checked his phone: 4:18 am. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep after everything that went on earlier. He propped himself up on an elbow and glanced up at Connor's bed. He was snoring slightly, sprawled out across the twin mattress. Evan let out a sigh of relief.

Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

I AM EXTREMELY SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN MONTHS. I just finished doing the first session of Drama Camp. The second session starts on June 19th (technically 1 day 'til then) and I actually did okay. I also worked up the courage to sing Lifeboat from Heathers at parent night. Anyways, how in the world did this fic get 2.7k views?!?! omg thanks so much for that I actually cannot comprehend it. It's too much aaa. I hope I'm not letting any of you down haha. Also, I'm sorry that I came back just to (probably) upset you with this depressing chapter. I'm gonna sign off for the night, I keep getting distracted lol. Weird thing is, is that it's actually 1:08 am.

Goodnight you guys!!.. Or morning, technically... Or afternoon or evening depending on when your reading this lol.

Sincerely, Bee <3

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