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Mitch was normally very together and was able to control himself. Keyword, Normally.  When he caught a cold, he would become a mess and extremely sensitive. Almost anything would make him sneeze. From the lightest touch on the tip of his nose to the most pollinated flower or dustiest room, it would all set him off. He knew this very well, but he also knew how hard it was to avoid it all. Although he knew of this very well his boyfriend did not. They had recently moved in together and when Mitch had been sick in the past, he didn't tell Scott so he was very unaware of this.

"Achoo!" Mitch sneezed into his hands as he woke up. He hoped he didn't wake his sleeping boyfriend who was next to him.

"Mitch?" Scott said groggily as he woke up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you"

"It's fine. Are you feeling okay?"

"I-achoo-am fine"

"You don't sound fine. Seriously honey, I think you have a cold"

"I don't-achoo-have a cold"

"I think you do"





"I really don't feel like arguing with you"

"So are you going to admit that you're sick"

"Fine. I'm sick. I have a cold. Happy?"

"Very. I'm going to make some breakfast and get you some more blankets" He kissed Mitch on the tip of his nose which sent him into a sneezing fit. Once he was finished Scott handed him a fresh box of tissues. "I think you might need these"

"Thank you"

Scott brought breakfast in a few minutes later. He put on a movie and got back in bed with Mitch. About halfway through the movie Mitch felt a small tickle bloom in the back of his sinuses. He scrunched his nose and ignored it. A few minutes later it became more powerful and he was sure he was going to sneeze. His breath started to hitch and Scott noticed and paused the movie.

"You okay?"

"I n-need to sn-ahh-sneeze" Mitch looked up at Scott with his big glossy eyes. "I think it's stuck"

"Need help?" Mitch nodded. Scott slowly rubbed circles up and down the bridge of his boyfriend's nose. Mitch who was sure this would coax the sneeze out what surprised when it didn't it just made the itch more unbearable. Scott slowly rubbed the tip of Mitch's nose. When Mitch's breath started to hitch uncontrollably. He grabs a fresh tissue before he scared both Scott and himself with the force of the sneeze, which was followed by three more of the same force before he was finished. "Bless you dear"

They spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching countless movies even though they were often interrupted my Mitch's occasional sneezing fit

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