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Scott was extremely excited for the holidays. He had been dating Mitch for almost a year and was super excited to finally meet his family.The holidays were a very big deal for Mitch's family. Every year they went all out decorating absolutely everything. Scott loved how Mitch's eyes would light up every time the holidays were mentioned. The excitement and love for the holidays was never something Scott had ever experienced. His father spent most of Scott's childhood out of the country and they didn't have much. The idea of gift giving on Christmas was never something Scott understood. When he was a child and started school, he learned about the concept and as a child he wanted presents, but as he got older he realized why his parents didn't give gifts or have a tree or anything that dealt with the holiday. Looking back on it, Scott's parents feel awful for doing things that way, but they really couldn't do it any other way.

Even though Scott was excited, he was also very nervous to meet Mitch's family. He was worried that the fact that he never celebrated the holidays would make them hate him. It's stupid and he knew it was stupid, but he couldn't help wonder if they'd hate him. They would probably hate everything about him. He soon came to realize his stomach was really bothering him and he was slightly nauseous. He dismissed it as nerves and tried to ignore the bubbling in his stomach.

As they got to the door the nausea got worse. Scott still believed that it was nerves. The house was beautifully decorated in lights and Scott believed it was absolutely stunning.

"Mitchel!" an older woman screamed as she answered the door. Scott figured the older woman was his mother.

"Hi mom." Mitch said giving her a kiss. "This is Scott."

"Wait, Mitch actually has a boyfriend?" a younger girl said from inside the house. Scott recognized the voice to be his sisters and chuckled as he entered the house after getting a hug from Nel.

"So Scott, Mitch told me you never had a proper Christmas." Nel said once the two boys were inside

"Mom, that is not what I said."

"It's fine Mitchy. My family life was rough as a child. My father was always out of the country on work and my family didn't have a lot. Growing up Christmas wasn't that big of a deal and my family didn't really do anything."

After a while of talking, Scott excused himself and Mitch led him to his bathroom where Scott sat frustrated. He was still not feeling well, and it was getting worse. Scott turned to the toilet and retched hoping something would come up, but nothing did.

"Scotty, you're not feeling too well are you?"

"No, I thought it was just nerves but it kept getting worse. I can get something from my mom for you. She'll know what medicine will help."

"You don't have to."

"But I want to."

"You really don't have to."

"Why not?"

"It's embarrassing."

"Why? You shouldn't be embarrassed because you're sick."

"But it's the first time your parents are meeting me and I'm sick."

"It will be a great story to tell the kids one day."

"What makes you think we're going to have kids."

"I just assumes."

"I'm kidding, of course we'll have kids. I love you."

"I love you too. Now stay here, I'll be right back with my mother."

New updating day!! I'm going to start updating this book on Tuesdays and I will be starting another book which I will be updating on Fridays! Yay! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any requests please let me know!!

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