Mommy's Here

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I woke up to Caroline jumping on top of me.

"What's up sweetie?" I asked the very energetic girl.

"I'm hungry"

"Honey, we need to wait for Scott to wake up, we don't want to wake him"

"Why can't we wake him up now?"

"You know how sometimes mommy needs to sleep so she won't be mean to you?"

"Yes mommy"

"We want to let Scott sleep so he doesn't get like that, he was very tired last night"

"Why did you leave?" Scott asked groggily as he came out of the bedroom

"Caroline was jumping on me and I didn't want to wake you"

"You can always wake me if you need anything"

"Okay. What do you want to do for breakfast?"

"I can make pancakes. Have you ever made pancakes Caroline?"

"No" My daughter said quietly

"No? Do you want to help me make pancakes then?"


While Caroline and Scott were making pancakes I started to put away all of our laundry. Scott showed me where I could put mine last night. I had just finished when I got a phone call from my boss.

"Hello?" I answered

"Mitch? Hi, it's Amanda"

"Oh hi"

"I have some bad news for you, due to budget cuts, we have to let you go. I'm really sorry. Trust me I didn't want to, you've been so amazing and have covered for everyone at some point when they needed it. Unfortunately the amount of days you had to take off is what made my decision, I am very sorry"

"Okay. Thank you for letting me know"

"I promise to call you if anything opens up"




I sat down on the couch in disbelief. I felt completely defeated. There was nothing left. I lost my house and my job in two days. I couldn't control myself any longer and broke down in tears. I didn't want Caroline to see me cry, I've put her through so much.

I felt a warm body sit next to me and embrace me.

"Everything will be alright" Scott whispered in my ear

"No it won't. I have no house and no job" I sobbed into his chest

"That's not true, you live here and don't worry about the job thing, I can help you find one."

Scott and Caroline finished the pancakes and we dropped Caroline off at school and Scott was able to get me a job as a cashier at the grocery store. They needed someone and he immediately gave me the job, after all he is the store manager. I thought he was a cashier, but turns out he was filling in for someone who was out sick, because no one could take that extra shift and it was really busy.

<1 year later>

Scott and I had been together for about a year now and I was pregnant with his child, we learned about that a few months ago. Caroline was at a friend's house and Scott wanted to go for a walk in the park and really wanted me to go with him. There was a beautiful trail that ended at a lake. We walked all the way to the lake and it was gorgeous. He carefully grabbed my hand a leade me to the dock.

"Wow, this is beautiful" I whispered

"Not as beautiful as you" he responded

"Shut up, I'm not beautiful, I'm fat"

"You're pregnant"

"That means I'm fat"

"No, it means you have a human growing inside of you"


We walked a little further and got into a little boat, which Scott drove to the other side of the lake. He helped me out and there was this clearing in the trees that he brought me to.

"Mitch, we have known each and been together for the short time of a year, but in that year I've learned so much about you and Caroline. You are the kindest person I know, and even when you feel like the world is falling apart right in front of you, you still put on a beautiful smile and act like nothing's wrong for Caroline. You are the kindest, most loyal person I have ever met and I can't imagine my life without you, and I never want to. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you, Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, do me the honor and marry me?" He pulled a small box out of his pocket with the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen.

"Yes"  He slid the ring onto my finger and it fit perfectly.

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