Chapter 16

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Keith .

I woke up the next morning , checking my surroundings . I was on the couch laying underneath Ariel who was sound asleep in my arms . I immediately remembered what happened last night and removed myself from underneath her .

"Ariel .. get up . You gotta go home ." I shook her . She mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear her .

"What ?" I asked softly

"I don't have anywhere to go .." she said as she looked up at me . I sighed .

"I know you have friends Ariel . C'mon now . I don't feel comfortable with you staying here , especially after what happened last night ." I palmed my face .

"Keith .. please ." She placed her hand on my thigh before continuing . " I have nowhere to go .."

"Alright . Fine . But don't be mad when Amber is over here and she's grilling you left and right ." She squealed and jumped up and down . I don't know why she was so excited . She hugged me and whispered

"We're gonna have such a fun time together , just me and you ." I gulped and nodded my head . Something was up with this girl , and I was gonna get to the bottom of it , really soon .


Amber .

"BRANDON GIVE ME MY DAMN CLOTHES . YOU PLAY TOO MUCH!!" I said as I chased him . I was only in a towel , and I was trying to leave so I could go see Keith . It was Monday and on Monday's I didn't have any classes which was good for me .

"You're gonna have to catch me first ugly ." He said playfully . I was becoming sick of his act so I just went in his room and laid down .

"Damn .. you look good." I looked up , and Brandon was standing at the entrance of the door with a smirk on his face . I took this as my opportunity to get what I wanted back from him . I stood on my feet and walked over to him seductively . Once I got in front of him , I looked up at him and he was practically drooling .

"B , please give me my clothes so I can leave ..." I whispered before licking his earlobe . It seemed as if his whole body shook , because he dropped my clothes in almost an instant . I smiled and gave him a simple 'thank you' before shutting the door in his face .


"Well .. thanks for letting me stay last night , it was really fun ." I smiled as I hugged Brandon .

"No problem princess , anything for you." He winked at me . I turned on my heels so I could make my way to Keith's house but I was immediately turned back around by Brandon .

"Amber , I like you . Like I really really like you ." He looked down before continuing . "I know we just met and all but I'm better than Keith . I can treat you better . I won't cheat on you like he will . I promise you that . Just give me a chance ." He pleaded . Rage filled within me and my hand immediately swung across his face .

"First of all , you don't know anything about my boyfriend . He's an amazing person . Yeah he's done something's to hurt me , but he's working on himself . We're both working on ourselves ! "

"A-Amber I didn't mean it .. I'm s-"

"Save your shit . Just do me a favor , keep my boyfriends name out your mouth . Thanks ." I scoffed and walked out of his door . The nerve this nigga had to speak poorly of my boyfriend , tuh .


I knocked on the door of Keith's house , worried . He hadn't called or texted me last night , and I was worried sick about him . I waited about 5 minutes and to my surprise there was Ariel standing there with lingerie and a silk robe on . She smirked at me before speaking .

"Looking for Keith ?" She laughed before continuing . "He's upstairs showering . Sorry for the wait ." She winked at me . My head was spinning , as if was about to pass out . Before I knew it , I punched Ariel in her face . I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her onto the floor before punching her face in repeatedly . Minutes later I was pulled off of her by Keith who was only in a towel .

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME !!!" I punched him in his ribs . He immediately let go and I ran upstairs to cool myself off . Keith followed behind me and pushed me in the bathroom , closing the door behind him in the process .

"What the fuck is your problem Amber ?!"

"Why is this bitch here ?! And why is she waking around in lingerie and a silk fucking robe ?! "

"Look , her mom died last night , she came over and was crying . She needed a place to stay and I let her sleep here . She'll be staying here for a while . She also kissed me , but it wasn't anything Amber I swear ! I stopped her before it could get any further ! I only kissed back back because I felt obligated to . I felt bad for her , that's the only reason w-" I slapped him again . My vision was so blurry and I couldn't really see anymore . I looked in the mirror and seen that I had a scratch on my neck , right next to where my hickey laid . I gulped as I seen Keith staring at me , and all I could say is , if looks could kill , I'd be dead right about now .

"Amber I'm gonna ask you this one time and one time only . What the fuck is that ?" His voice became deeper . It scared me for a bit but I held myself together .

"What do you think it is ?" I said smartly .

"Who is it from ? I swear to god if it's from Brandon I'm gonna kill both you and him !!"

"He did it because he wanted me to call him daddy . But I refused so he did this to get me to say it !" I yelled as I pointed to the hickey . He looked at me as if he was disgusted . He began pacing back and forth , as if he were trying to calm himself down .

"Keith , I know you're mad and all but you did eve-" I felt a burning sensation across my cheek and I realized that he had slapped me . A tear fell down my eyes as I looked in the mirror and seen a red handprint across my face . I was dark , so for it to be red , that means that he'd slapped me pretty hard . I turned back around and immediately began attaching him . I punched him all over and he was yelling for me to stop . He then pushed me into the bathtub and began beating me all over , punching me in my ribs , arms , and gave . I yelled and cried for him to stop but he wouldn't bulge .

I had realized that he'd never gone this far before . He was changing , something was wrong . It wasn't the Keith I knew .


Happy Easter guysssss !! ❤️❤️ enjoy your dayyyy ❤️❤️ . I literally wrote this while watching play on broadway . (If you haven't noticed yet , I'm from New York , comment where you're from ! )

Next chapter is gonna be hectic as fuck so all I'm gonna do is tell y'all to get y'all popcorn and drinks . Because I'm writing it right now and I'm sweating .

-Amber Love

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