Chapter Three

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Bellamy and Clarke spent some time at the coffee shop talking about the house.
"So how about 'three bed, two bath, and a backyard perfect for the whole family'." Clarke proposes.
"I think we should be a bit more specific- like, 'a backyard perfect for parties or Barbecues'."
"I like it! Have you talked to Miller about the whole furnishing situation?"
"Yeah, since you're so confident it's going to sell quickly, Miller decided to start looking around for a house so he thinks we should do non furnished."
"Ok. I was actually thinking about what you said about the paint and I think you're right as far as the living room goes. I'm sorry but I hate that yellow." She laughed. He laughed with her.
"That's why I brought it up. What color should we paint it?"
"A light color would make it feel more open."
"How about a light blue?"
"We could do that... personally, I like green. Makes me think of camping with my dad." She smiled at her coffee.
"What does your dad do? I know your mom's the CEO of Polaris but all I know about your dad is that he's a Jets fan- least I know he's a smart man." He said, making her laugh.
"He used to be an engineer- A good one too." She smiled. Bellamy stopped smiling.
"Used to?"
"He... he died. Five years ago in a drunk driving accident."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's alright. I still have my mom and my friends... I have a nice job... I know he'd be proud of me." She nodded decisively. He grinned politely. "Anyway, we were talking about paint." She moved on.
"Right. I think green is perfect. I'll pitch it to Miller our next meeting."
"Great. Got anything else that needs discussing?"
"My only concern is your mom being OK with this... agreement."
"I can handle my mother." Clarke smiled and stood. "Has your boss given permission?"
"I am very persuasive when I want to be." He grinned at her and she giggled.
"Well, if you find something else to talk about," she got out a pen and wrote her number on a napkin. "Text me."
"You know, this isn't usually when I get a girls number." He said.
"When do you usually get it?"
"The next morning." He joked and they laughed.
"Good bye, Bellamy."
"Bye, Princess." They smiled at each other and Clarke left.


Clarke went home thinking about her unofficial business meeting with Bellamy. Remembering him made her smile, even after a long day of errands.
"Hey, Clarke." Abby walked out to see her. "You're home late. I knew you had things to do but still."
"I... had a last minute meeting." She shrugged.
"In that?" Abby motioned to Clarke's clothes.
"It was unofficial. That other agent Monty talked about had an idea to work together instead of compete. We ran into each other at this coffee shop and he proposed the idea we get the money made off the house and the client will be technically his."
"Sounds alright. Monty says that working with Mr. Miller will be good long term. Apparently, This friend has got friends in high places."
"Well we split credit. Besides, we still get money."
"Good." Abby smiled and walked away. Clarke felt sick for a second. As if she felt guilty she wasn't telling her mom who the agent was and who he belonged to, company wise. But she kept quiet.


"Bellamy?" Raven poked her head in Bellamy's office. He looked up from his laptop.
"Mr. Kane wants you in his office."
"Ok, thanks." He nodded and went to the office.

"So it's been over a week since your meeting with your friend. Has he decided which agent he's going with?"
"Actually, I've offered an agreement to the other agent so we can work together."
"Yeah, uh, I still get paid... except for what we'd get on the actual home."
"You know what you make on the home goes to the company, right?"
"So you do realize you're telling me I'm not making any money off this house, right?" He asked angrily.
"Actually, sir, he's my official client. We're sharing credit, sure but I'm the one representing him. That alone will help us in the future. However, if it makes you feel better, the company can get any money Miller gives me." He sighed. Kane watched him.
"That's how much you think this'll work?"
"I believe it's a great business opportunity. Sometimes the best things happen when you take a risk." He insisted. Kane slowly leaned back in his chair and sighed.
"You've got two years, Mr. Blake."
"Yessir. Thank you, sir." Bellamy nodded and left.

Business Before Pleasure (A Bellarke Modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now