Chapter Nine

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Clarke showed up at the apartment just in time to eat. The three ate and watched movies together like old friends would. Clarke and Bellamy sat next to each other on the two seater couch while Octavia occupied the floor. About mid way into the third movie, Octavia started getting tired.
"You know, I think I'm going to go home."
"But the movie isn't over!" Clarke whined.
"Then you can stay. I'm going home."
"I'll make it up to you." Octavia laughed as she got her stuff together. "I'll see you guys around." She said and left. Clarke sighed and rested her head on Bellamy's shoulder. Bellamy was a little shocked but didn't object. Soon, the movie was over and they sat in silence for a second.
"I don't wanna leave yet." Clarke said.
"Wanna put in another movie?" Bellamy offered.
"Not really." She said. They continued to sit there. "Miller is going to be gone for a couple weeks."
"I know." Bellamy said.
"Does that count for needing to work longer?"
"No. I said, 'if the deal doesn't work out'. It's still going to work out."
"Does that mean we can date now?" Clarke asked tiredly. Bellamy thought for a second to consider it.
"Whatever the hell you want." He responded before they both drifted off.


Clarke woke up first to find her head on Bellamy's shoulder and his arm around her. Clarke looked up at his face to see him peacefully sleeping. She blushed, remembering their conversation from the night before. Clarke sighed and went to get up but Bellamy suddenly grabbed her and pulled her back to him.
"You know, when I imagined you spending the night here, this isn't how I imagined it." He grinned.
"Oh my gosh." Clarke got loose of his grip and stood up, rolling her eyes and smiling. Bellamy sat up, groggy.
"Morning, Princess." He said.
"Morning." She smiled as she picked up her phone and saw her mom's missed calls. "Oh no. My mom tried calling."
"Call her back. Let her know you're alive." Bellamy said before going into his kitchen. Clarke called.
"Clarke? Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" Abby started.
"Sorry." Clarke grimaced. "Bellamy and I fell asleep watching a movie."
"What about his sister? Wasn't she there?"
"She left early. Again, I'm sorry I worried you. I should have let you know-"
"You slept at Bellamy's house, alone?"
"Mom! It wasn't like that!"
"You ARE DATING, ARN'T YOU?!" Abby smiled. Clarke sighed.
"That has nothing to do with this. Now, I called to say sorry about not calling you-"
"No, all good. See you when I get off work. Love you." Abby said hung up. Clarke put the phone down.
"That went well." Bellamy said, cracking a couple eggs.
"You heard all that?" Clarke blushed.
"Yep. I'm glad your mom approves." He winks before Clarke laughs and sits at the table.
"Once Miller gets those papers signed, Bellamy, would you like to go out with me sometime?" Clarke asked, grinning.
"Give me a time and place and I'll be there." He winked.


Halp me plz! I'm editing this to be a longer chapter but I literally have no idea where to go from here please help me!!! I'm soooooo sorry for the long gaps between chapters I seriously don't know what to do with this 😱😱😱

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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