Chapter Six

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Bellamy laid in bed and stared at the celing. His legs dangled off the side. He kept thinking about Clarke and the night they had dinner together. He felt slightly confused by the way Clarke acts.

Bellamy liked her, he knew that much. But he didn't want to make a move, her reject him, and her feel uncomfortable with him. He liked how freely they could talk and he appreciated her friendship- regardless of wanting more.

Bellamy sighed as he considered this. He felt he was over thinking but didn't know what else to do about it. Friday came up and rested her head on his knee. In response, Bellamy looked up, smiled, and sat up to start petting her.
"At least I know you won't reject me." He said as Friday panted and wagged her tail, happily. That's when Bellamy felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it out and saw Octavia was calling him. "Hello?" He answered the phone.
"Hey, Bell. You busy?"
"Not really. Just hanging out with Friday."
"Mind if I come over to eat? I know you're my annoying, overbearing, older brother but I kinda miss you." She whined. He laughed.
"Sure. My apartment is a mess, I must warn."
"Just shove it all in your room. I'll be over in a few."
"Okay. See you then." Bellamy agreed.


"Have you figured out that open house yet?" Abby asked Clarke as they sat and watched TV together.
"No. Bellamy and I are going to do the top coat of paint by ourselves tomorrow while the Miller's are out. We wanted to suprise them."
"Sounds fun."
"Yeah. It was Bellamy's idea. He's really sweet." Clarke nodded.
"Didn't you go on a date with him?"
"It wasn't a date... it was... just... dinner."
"Right... and my birthday is 'just another day'?"
"Mom, seriously! It's not like that yet... I just want to take things slow. Maybe once this house is sold, I'll go on a date with him but for now I want to keep things professional."
"Alright... just don't let the opportunity pass you by. He sounds like a great guy."
"I'll keep that in mind." Clarke smiled.


After so long, The Miller's moved out and the house was cleared out. Before anyone knew it, there was an open house. This was Clarke's favorite day when it came to a house, next to the actual sale. It was a day that promised opportunity and always made her feel excited to do what she did. It made her feel fulfilled and accomplished. On the other hand, Bellamy wasn't as excited. An open house always felt like a gamble to him. Like all his success depended on if people showed up or not. He didn't like the uncertainty of it- it made him anxious. Still, he dressed in his best business attire and went in the house with two coffees and a smile. He saw Clarke and handed her, hers.
"Here you go, Princess." He said and they smiled at each other as she took it.
"Why, thank you." She took a sip and closed her eyes, enjoying the flavor.
"I did good?" Bellamy hoped he got her order right.
"Perfect." She nodded. "Here, I've got these papers for you on the basic over view of the house if someone is curious on the condition or how old it is- I got one too." She handed him a folder. He flipped through it a bit.
"Awesome. When do we start again?"
"In about twenty minutes. I'm suprised you're early."
"Couldn't be late today. You know how important open houses are."
"True. Still, being on time isn't really your style."
"Well, Princess, you must be a good influence on me." He grinned and she giggled.
"Speaking of, you didn't tell anyone the open house was today, right?" Clarke asked.
"No. If anyone from The Ark saw you, I'd have to start looking for a new job." Bellamy joked.
"Yeah, being the CEO's daughter, I'd be easy to identify."
"Did you tell anyone?"
"No way. My mother may not do her research, but my Co workers do. If anyone besides Monty knew, I'd be screwed." Clarke explained.
"Fair enough. I just hope no one looked it up." Bellamy worried.

Later, the open house was going great. People came and went. Bellamy and Clarke were never alone and nothing but good things were being said about the home. Bellamy and Clarke stood near the entrance of the home together and patently waited for people to show. There was a point where a young couple came in and Clarke agreed to show them around the home, personally. While she was gone, Bellamy took it upon himself to greet people coming in. As he stood, he noticed a nice car park right outside the house. The car was oddly familiar to him but he tried to ignore it. The next person the walk through the front door was Marcus Kane. Bellamy was stunned.
"M-Mr. Kane?!" Bellamy greeted. Mr. Kane walked up and smiled.
"Mr. Blake! Nice seeing you. I'm glad I saw that notice about the open house! Now I get to meet that agent you're always bragging about working with!" He laughed.
"Sir, what're you doing here?" Bellamy asked.
"A boss can't watch his employees work? I want to see what you did with the place! It looks nice. I do like the dark green. Makes it feel bigger and earthy. Now, mind getting that partner of yours?"
"Uh... of course sir." Bellamy said and looked to see Clarke coming back into the living room from the kitchen. He rushed to her. "Would you excuse us for a moment?" Bellamy smiled at the couple and pulled Clarke aside by the arm.
"What's wrong?"
"My boss is here."
"What?!" Clarke stared at him wide eyed. "How did he-"
"He saw the notice and now he wants to meet you."
"What're we going to do?!" Clarke whispered with him.
"I don't know!" Bellamy whispered back.
"Is there a problem?" Kane stood right behind Bellamy. Bellamy turned, blocking Kane's view of Clarke.
"Uh... no."
"Is that the agent behind you?" Kane asked. Bellamy couldn't answer. "Well, let me see her!" He tried but to no avail. They both just moved to Kane's left a bit. Bellamy tried to block Clarke from view. Clarke looked at the front entrance and felt her blood run cold. Her mom walked in.
"Bellamy, what're you doing?"
"...then would you move?"
"Wh... Seriously?" Kane was starting to get frustrated.
"Bellamy?" Clarke tried to get his attention quietly but couldn't.
"Mr. Blake, I suggest you move."
"I'm sorry sir, I just don't see an incredibly important reason to move."
"You're boss told you too. Is that a good enough reason?"
"Clarke!" Abby spotted her daughter and walked up without a care. Bellamy spotted her too and froze. Abby walked up, not seeing Kane. "It looks like the open house is a success." She smiled and looked up at Bellamy.
"You must be Mr. Blake! My daughter has told me so much about you!" She held out her hand.
"And you... Ms. Griffin." Bellamy shook her hand.
"Abby?" Kane glared. Abby looked at him.
"What're you doing here?" Kane asked.
"I was about to ask you the same question." Abby glared back. Clarke felt no way out so she stepped out from behind Bellamy.
"Hey, mom... Mr. Kane..."
"Clarke, what's going on?" Abby asked.
"Mr. Blake and I are working together on the house. We didn't tell you who the other one works for so you wouldn't shut us down."
"It was my idea. I'm sorry, Mr. Kane. I never met to go behind your back-"
"I understand you expect this house to sell fast." Kane said, interrupting. Clarke and Bellamy exchanged confused glances.
"Uh... yeah. It's in a nice neighborhood, a school is nearby, perfect condition... it's a great house." Clarke said.
"Good. Abby, I suppose we can put aside our differences so these two can do their jobs." He looked at her.
"Course, Marcus." She smiled, mockingly, at him.
"Then shall we look around this home and see what these two did?"
"Sure." Abby sighed and walked away with him. Bellamy and Clarke stood there for a second, shocked.
"What just happened?" Clarke asked.
"I think we're in the clear." Bellamy said and they smiled, finally able to relax.

Later on, they resumed their positions at the entry way together. Abby and Kane left after so long so they were on their own. Clarke would stand with Bellamy, laugh and joke. She almost didn't see a familiar face walk in.
"Clarke?" The black hair guy smiled at her.
"Mr. Collins?" Clarke tried her best to smile back.
"I didn't expect to see you here."
"And you." Clarke nodded. Bellamy noticed a certain tension between them. An ex maybe? Then why would she refer to him by his last name? "Ah, Mr. Collins-"
"Yes, Finn... this is my Co worker, Mr. Blake." Clarke introduced them and they shook hands.
"Nice to meet you." He smiled at Finn, then looked at Clarke. "A friend of yours?"
"Not... exactly... I dropped my wallet on my way to work and he returned it to me." Clarke explained. Then why is there so much tension? Bellamy thought. No one moved.
"Well... I think I'll check on that one couple from earlier." Bellamy nodded and walked away. He didn't want to leave Clarke but he knew she could handle herself. Still, he tried to keep an eye out for them as Clarke showed him around the home. Close to the end of her little tour, Clarke noticed there was no one with Finn.
"So, uh, this is a big home. Don't tell me you're by yourself, picking a family home like this." Bellamy was far enough away to not be suspicious but close enough to hear the conversation.
"Well, I don't have a family yet but, I'm thinking of having one in the near future."
"Oh, your girlfriend couldn't make it?"
"Oh, I don't have one currently but I'm hoping that'll change." He stepped closer.
"If you don't have a girlfriend, it's a little early to be thinking about that, isn't it? I imagine you should look for a bachelor pad while you still can."
"Hey, I could get a girlfriend any time I want." Finn smiled. Bellamy suppressed a snort.
"Oh really?" Clarke rolled her eyes.
"Prove it."
"What're you doing next Friday?" He asked, making Clarke's mocking smile disappear.
"Huh?" Clarke asked as Bellamy felt his heart sink. He felt he really screwed up. If he had just got the guts to ask her out!
"Are you busy next Friday?" Finn asked, grinning. Clarke thought about it.
"I am." She decided, making both men pause. "Bellamy and I are going to have a work day... can't miss it." She shrugged. Bellamy couldn't help but smile to himself.
"How about Saturday night?"
"I'm asking Bellamy to dinner- a business dinner." She corrected herself.
"Next Saturday?" He was almost pleading.
"Family night." She shrugged. Bellamy was over the moon. He couldn't help but think, that's right, she's hanging out with me- not you. He decided to help Clarke escape the awkward situation and walked up.
"Hey, Clarke? I think that one couple is talking price." He said, truthfully. She smiled at him, then glanced at Finn.
"Sorry, Mr. Collins." She said and left him.


Hey! It didn't take me a billion years! Wow! 😂

I really hope you liked this chapter and feel free to comment what you thought, give ideas, and give me theories about season five cause I WILL be doing a season five fic so with that being said,

I love y'all so much! Thank you for reading and until the next chaper,

May we meet again!


T-Rex Kom Frikdrainakru
Aka, Bellarke Queen 👑

Business Before Pleasure (A Bellarke Modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now