Chapter Seven

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"Well, Mr. Blake, today was a good day." Clarke smiled as Bellamy locked the front door.
"That it was, Ms. Griffin." He smiled back at her. "So I'll see you Saturday?"
"That business dinner you told that guy about? Don't tell me you were just trying to get rid of him." He smirked.
"Oh! Right! Yes... uh... I'll see you then."
"Where we going?"
"Where are we going? I can't go somewhere nice in a T- shirt and jeans. I wanna dress appropriately."
"It's just a business dinner." Clarke stressed, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.
"Our dinners range from pizza to gourmet." He pointed out.
"Fair... how about Olive Garden?"
"Perfect. We can even go dutch." He smiled. "Platonicly, of course."
"Platonicly." Clarke nodded. He spent a moment, grinning at her with a certain gleam in his eye that suggested he knew something she didn't.
"Night, Princess." He said and walked away.
"Night, Bellamy." Clarke watched him leave before getting in her car and mentally preparing herself for her mother's wrath.


Clarke saw a light or two on in her house but still tried to take off her heels and tip toe her way to her room but, unfortunately, it was in vain.
"Clarke Griffin?" Abby stomped out. Clarke saw her and her body froze. Abby stopped, looking up at Clarke who was half way up their stair case, and crossed her arms. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Abby asked calmly. There was a moment of silence.
"Ok, look," Clarke came down the stairs to stand in front of her mother. "I know you must be upset but this was an important business opportunity! We needed the money and they still get something out of it! Everyone wins and I just can't sit and watch Polaris burn!"
"That wasn't your call to make!"
"Actually, yes, it was!" Clarke shouted with her. "You may be the CEO, but this was my house, my sale THAT YOU HAVE NO PART OF!" Clarke was furious.
"I am still your boss!" Abby yelled back.
"So, what? You gunna fire me? Huh? Fire your best agent so you can watch your precious business fail, alone?" She challenged. Abby didn't answer, not knowing what to say. "You may be the CEO... but when it comes to things like this, I'm in charge. I made a call you would have never considered and it. Paid. Off... you wanna fire me because I single handedly saved Polaris behind your back- fine." Clarke started stomping upstairs. "I'm going to bed." She stated and left her mother, dumbfounded.


Bellamy came home to Octavia watching American Football and eating popcorn with Friday resting her head on Octavia's knee.
"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here." Bellamy said as he loosened his tie and started to change into sweats and T- shirt. Octavia kept her eyes glued to the screen.
"I brought food. I figured if you came home before ten, you hadn't ate, so, I picked something up for the both of us."
"Thanks, O." Bellamy said.

They sat together and talked about the day each of them had. Octavia was feeling lonely in her apartment which was why she was visiting so often but Bellamy didn't mind.
"So then Sterling said, 'your brother would have been able to follow directions'." Octavia complained. "It's not MY fault the radios are crap! Besides, you told me you misunderstood a bunch of calls before so I was pretty mad."
"Want me to beat him up?" Bellamy joked.
"If I wanted him to be beat up, I would have done the dirty work myself already. I just want to be respected."
"Give it time, O. You're really impatient sometimes."
"I'm trying." She sighed. "Hey, you got any hot sauce? I forgot to ask for some."
"Yeah." Bellamy got up to go get some out of the fridge, before grabbing his phone from the table to take with him.
"Seriously, Bell? You don't trust me?"
"Last time I left my phone with you, you set me up on a dinner date with Clarke to a little Mexican place."
"Your welcome." She rolled her eyes as he laughed and got the Hot Sauce. "How'd that go, by the way?" She asked as he sat back down.
"We had fun. We're going on a Business dinner Saturday."
"Business dinner?"
"Yes, O. A business dinner. Completely platonic." He tried not to smile.
"Really? You... almost seem excited."
"I love my job." She shrugged and they both laughed.
"I think she likes you, Bell."
"I thought that too but she made it a point to tell me the business dinner is just a business dinner. I don't know. I'm not going to read to much into it." He shrugged. That's when his phone started to ring. He picked it up and answered after seeing it was Clarke who was calling for some reason. "Hello?"
"I think I just got myself fired." Clarke spilled.
"How did you manage that?" He smiled.
"Shut up. It wasn't my fault." She smiled too.
"My question still stands." He pressed. Clarke told him what happened. "Ah, so the Princess has a rebellious side."
"It's all your fault."
"MY fault?!" Bellamy tried not to laugh. Octavia watched him, fascinated.
"Ive never talked to my mom like that before. Ok, maybe once when I was sixteen- but I was mad at everything then."
"Where do I come in on this?"
"I only started acting like this since I met you. I never kept anything from my mom until you walked in my life."
"It almost sounds like you don't like me anymore." He kept his smile.
"That's not what I ment." She laughed. "It's just... my life's been so... chaotic since I met you."
"What's wrong with a little chaos?" He grinned wider.
"You see? That's what I mean!"
"What?" Bellamy asked innocently.
"You're so carefree."
"Are you complaining?"
"No... I just... never could be like that. I think I'm starting to envy you."
"Right back at ya, Princess." He said.
"You know, as much as I want to continue this, my sister has been waiting for me to get off my phone."
"Oh! Sorry! I'll let you go, then! Tell Octavia hi for me!"
"Will do. Bye."
"Bye." Bellamy let out a heavy breath as he hung up the phone and set it down. "Clarke said hi." He said.
"Still don't think she's into you?" Octavia asked.
"It was just a phone call."
"You sure about that?" Octavia grinned. Bellamy just rolled his eyes.

Business Before Pleasure (A Bellarke Modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now