Chapter Four

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Clarke grabbed her purse and her phone to text Bellamy.

To: Bellamy
From: Clarke

Hey, I'm here. What apartment number are you?

She waited a second.

To: Clarke
From: Bellamy

Hang on. I'll meet you out front.

Clarke waited patiently, leaning against her car when Bellamy walked out in Blue jeans and a white T - shirt. Clarke suddenly felt over dressed, slightly awkward, and self conscious. She was wearing work clothes. But, Bellamy just smiled and walked up.
"Hey, ready?"
"Yeah." Clarke followed him to his apartment. Immediately, she saw a German Shepherd heading straight at her. "Oh my goodness! Who is this?!" Clarke smiled, knelt down, and started petting the dog.
"That's Friday. Got her when I was a cop but she ended up getting hurt pretty bad... saved my life." Bellamy knelt with Clarke and pet Friday.
"How long were you a cop?"
"I went to college for it for a couple years. Went in straight after."
"How old are you now?"
"Twenty seven. You?"
"Twenty one. I grew up in my mom's business... I kinda knew all the ropes and everything so I didn't see a point in spending money on going to college... course, if Polaris fails, I'm going to need too." She laughed.
"Would you stay in real estate?" Bellamy asked.
"I don't know... I kinda wanted to be a doctor when I was younger but I liked how easy it was to just work at Polaris. No extra school, no debt... and it made my mom happy... again, if Polaris fails, I couldn't afford the schooling anyway... I don't know." She repeated herself, making Bellamy feel bad for her.
"You'll figure it out. There's a reason Polaris is The Ark's biggest threat- business wise." He tried. Clarke smiled, grateful, at him.
"Thanks." She said sincerely. Bellamy stood.
"Ready to get to work?"
"Yeah." Clarke stood and walked with him to set out her things across his small "dining room" table that could barely seat four at a time.
"You hungry at all?" Bellamy asked, it being around lunch time.
"Honestly, I was hoping you were going to ask me that." She said.
"Well, I'll get something delivered. To good for pizza?" He joked.
"Bring it on." Clarke scoffed and took off her over coat.


Bellamy and Clarke were actually having a good time together, working and eating together. It was great, until it was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"I'll be right back." Bellamy said and opened his front door to have Octavia barge in.
"Hey, Bell!" Octavia said as she passed him. "I left my jacket here from dinner. I hope I'm not- oh! Hey! You must be Clarke!" Octavia approached Clarke who stood. They shook hands as Bellamy walked in and sighed.
"You must be Bellamy's sister, Octavia."
"Yep. Sorry to interrupt. I forgot my jacket." Octavia grabbed a black jacket that laid on the small couch. She was preparing to leave when she saw the pizza box and papers. "You can at least clean up a little bit before having girls over, you know." She glared at Bellamy.
"Bellamy bought us pizza for lunch for while we work." Clarke explained in Bellamy's defense.
"Work?" Octavia raised her eye brows. "You're more out of practice than I thought-"
"Bye, Octavia!" Bellamy gently grabbed her arm and lean her too the door.
"You ought to have Clarke over for dinner one night!" Octavia shouted loud enough for Clarke to hear. "In fact," Octavia got loose of Bellamy's grip and walked back up to Clarke. "Hey, how about you come over for dinner some time? Bellamy and I usually have a family dinner thing every other sunday. How about you join us?" She smiled. Clarke smiled back. Bellamy was mortified.
"Sure. I'd be honored."
"Great, I'll get Bellamy to text you the time. He's making lasagna." She bragged, making Bellamy shake his head in embarrassed. Clarke was excited.
"Good bye, O." Bellamy glared at Octavia.
"Ok! Sorry! I'm gone!" She smiled innocently with her hands up in surrender before she leaves.
"I'm so sorry about her." Bellamy sighed and sat at the table with Clarke.
"Don't be. She seems cool." Clarke said.
"And embarrassing." Bellamy responded.
"Maybe but I'm glad she invited me to dinner here. I like hanging out with you and I'd like to get to know your sister." She shrugged.
"Well, I'm glad you like to hang out with me. And it'd be a pleasure to have you over. I just wish Octavia was less direct." Bellamy shrugged.
"Eh, makes life more entertaining. But, anyway, sorry to change the subject but, on with work." Clarke giggled and started working. Bellamy watched her for a moment. She looked so intense and beautiful at the same time. I'm really attracted to this girl, Bellamy thought. What the hell is wrong with me? Do something! But he didn't. He just continued to work with her.

Business Before Pleasure (A Bellarke Modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now