Chapter 3

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Penelope's POV

"Well, let's all welcome Ms. Penelope Brady" The teacher said as he motioned the class to say hi to me. I just smiled at them and saw a few smiles, a few people rolling their eyes and some just didn't care.

"What are you? From the brady brunch?!" Someone shouted as the class laughed.

I rolled my eyes at the person's remark, "That's old, buddy. Learn a new joke, will you?" I said to no one specifically as the class said their "oo's". I didn't really know who said that but I could care less.

"Alright alright! Now, go take your seat Ms Penelope. And welcome to Princeton" He said as I made to the only empty seat. It was on the left side of the class, next to the window and next to a boy. While I was walking towards my seat, the boy smiled at me.

I sat down, "That was a cool comeback." The boy leaned over to me and whispered.

I looked at him and smiled, "Thanks, I guess?" I said, giving me a confused look.

He laughed and put his hand out, "I'm Grayson." He said, I took his hand and shook it.

"I think I've heard that name before" I said right after we shook hands. I couldn't quiet remember where I heard that name before but I sure did.

He just smiled at me, "You're a cool chick, Penelope." He just said and turned his attention back to the teacher.

I just looked at him for a few minutes, trying to remember how I knew him but couldn't. I just shook out the thought and turned my attention to the teacher as well.

After an hour of boring math, the bell finally rang. And when the bell rang, I finally remembered how I knew Grayson. From Olivia! From Youtube!

I stood up and watched Grayson as well. He looked at me and saw that I was staring, "Yes, Penelope?" He asked sitting down on his desk, facing me.

"I finally remember where I heard your name." I said with a smile. He just chuckled and looked down at his shoes, was he embarrassed? "Oh, don't worry! I'm not here to fan girl over you. I just wanted to tell you that." I said making him look up at me.

"What's your next class?" He asked, both of us making our way out of the classroom. "Maybe we have the same one again." He added.

Then I looked at my schedule once more, but before I could see what my next class was, Grayson took the paper from me and scanned it himself.

He looked up at me and smiles, "We basically have all the same classes, except PE." He said. "Why do you not have PE?" He asked, and I just smiled. He shrugged it off. "This is going to be fun, Penelope" He added as he led the way to our next class.

"You can call me Pen, if you want. It's short for Penelope. Since you've been saying my name quiet a lot now." I joked making him laugh a little.

"Pen it is then." He looked me straight in the eye, "Cute nickname for a cute girl." He said as we stopped in front of a class door, guessing this was our next class. Was he really flirting with me? On our first meet? He was still staring at me for a minute then walked inside the classroom. Then on cue, the bell rang.

I sighed, can't believe Grayson was flirting me. I have to tell Olivia. She'd go bonkers!

I walked inside the classroom and it was already filled with students, I saw an empty seat. Again, next to Grayson. He motioned me over and I walked towards him. Sitting on the seat next to him, "Saved you a seat." He said as my butt landed on the chair.

I smiled at him; I noticed behind him that there were two girls giving me the death stares. "Thanks." I said ignoring them and looked at Grayson. The teacher wasn't here yet.

I still see the girls staring at me and decided to have some fun with this, I've had dealt with these type of girls before. "Hey Grayson?" I said and saw him doodling on his notebook. He looked at me and gave me a look that says "yes?" "Do you want to have lunch together? I'm not sure if my brothers will be there, but it'd be great if you join us." I smiled politely at him

He smiled back and nodded, "I would love that." And when he said that the teacher walked in. The girls were now fuming while looking at me; I could see their hands turning into fists.

"Good morning, Class!" She spoke ever so cheery. I still don't know what class I'm in because Grayson still had my paper.

I saw a girl raise her hand, one of the girls that were glaring at me. "Mrs. Cooper!" She said with a squeaky voice. This irritated my ears and I guess so did the class as they groaned when she spoke.

"Yes, Ms. Williams?" The teacher tried to hide her annoyance towards the girl but I noticed it and just chuckled to myself. I saw Grayson looking at me with his one eyebrow raising, I just shook my head sideways telling him it was nothing and he just laughed a little.

"There's a new girl in our class!" She said making my eyes pop. I looked at her and she was pointing her finger at me with a smirk in her face. That made the whole class turn around to look at me. Great. Nice one, bitch. I said to myself.

"Oh you're right!" Mrs. Cooper cheered. "Come up here, sweetie!"

I looked at her then the class then at her, I sighed and walked my way to the front. I saw the girl that made me go up here sit down as she high fives her friend. I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" She said while she places both of her hands on my shoulders.

"My name is Penelope." I said with no emotion.

"Now come on! With a little more energy." I swear to God. "Come on." She insisted and I groaned.

I smiled widely and waved my hands as if I was doing a cheer routine, "Hi my name is Penelope.... Yeah!" I cheered, mocking every cheerleader in the world or in this class. The whole class laughed and I made my way back to my seat, feeling the death stares from the cheerleaders.

"That's more like it! That's the spirit!" The teacher said, obviously unaware that I was joking which made the class laugh again.

"What a joke." I heard a girl a few seats away from me say. I looked at her and saw that she was wearing a cheerleading outfit. Guess she was offended. I smiled sweetly at her and turned back towards the teacher. Grayson was staring at me the whole time.

I looked at him giving him a "what" look. "Who are you?" He just said with a smile on his face. I just smiled and rolled my eyes on him.

This is going to be a fun day.

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