Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Penelope's POV

"Seriously Grayson.. Not that I don't want you here, but why are you here?" I asked, walking to the living room from the kitchen with the pizza my mom made in my hand. I sat beside him and placed the pizza on the table in front of us.

I looked at him and he was already looking at me, "I realized since you weren't going to be at the party, I'd go here instead." He explained himself.

"How'd you know where I live?" I was curious because we weren't really at that stage of our friendship where we tell each other our house address.

"I asked your brother, Zach." Damn it, Zach.

I just nodded, "Well, since you're here. I was just having a friends marathon and eat this pizza." I said showing him the TV and the pizza.

He looked at the pizza then at me, "you were going to eat this alone? This whole thing?" he asked shockingly. The pizza was pretty big.

"Yesss" I said with a chuckle. "I have a big appetite" I shrugged at him and he just shrugged. "You want some?" I asked handing him a slice. He took the slice and said thanks. We then started watching friends. I can't believe he doesn't know what friends is. Since he was new to it, we decided to watch the first season. Even though I've watched it a million times, I feel like I'm watching it for the first time.

"Do you ever feel like you were born in the wrong era?" I asked randomly as we both had our attention to the TV. We're on our 10th episode. He was enjoying the show. He couldn't stop laughing whenever Joey said something stupid.

I felt his eyes on me, "What do you mean?" he asked burping. We just finished eating the pizza. We were only on the 2nd episode and the pizza was already gone.

"I mean like, you wish that you were born during their teenage years." I said pointing to the TV. "You wish that the sense of style that they had before, and the type of people you meet; you wish we still had it in our generation." I tried to explain myself to him. I sucked at explaining. I looked at him and he was already smiling at me.

"I get you." He just said before turning his head to the TV. I just smiled at him. I didn't really think that the famous Grayson Dolan would be this cool and nice to regular people like me. And to think with the million followers he had, he'd still go to school.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. He looked down at it, "I'm sorry." I said grabbing my phone to see who was calling. It was Olivia. She was face timing me. Oh crap! "I have to take this." I said. I was about to stand up when he paused the TV and stopped me from standing up.

I looked at him, "Take it, I'll put these back in the kitchen." He said with a smile. He started to get up and grab the empty plate and two glasses and made his way to the kitchen. That's nice of him. I smiled to myself.

I answered the call and saw my best friend on my phone screen. "Pennyyy!" Olivia whine through the phone. "I miss you! Come homeeee"

I chuckled, "I miss you too, Viaaaa. I have so much to tell you!!" I said with a smirk on my face. I was going to tell her about Grayson tonight but then Grayson came over.

Then I saw her look at me weirdly. She was looking behind me actually. Then a minute later, her eyes grew big. Bigger than her usual eyes. "Holy shit, Penelope!!!" She shouted. "Is that GRAYSON DOLAN IN YOUR KITCHEN?!" She shouted again. Then I saw her mom walk in her room and told her to keep it down because it was already late.

I laughed and looked behind me to see Grayson smiling at me, leaning on the kitchen entry. I motioned him to come over. He did and leaned his arms on the back of the couch, bending down to our level. "Hi there." He said to Olivia, waving one hand at her.

Olivia smiled widely, "omg! It is Grayson Dolan! Hi!" She said excitedly and we both laughed at her. She's a fan.

"You look very familiar." Grayson said sitting down beside me, making him move closer to me so he can be seen. I felt our skin touch and he was warm. A good kind of warm. I smiled as our skin touched. I looked back to my phone.

"Yeah, that's because you guys already met. Somewhere at a convention in LA." I said, speaking for Olivia since she was just staring at Grayson. He then looked at me and gave me a look like how did I know that. "The night after the convention, she slept over at my place and couldn't stop talking about how you guys met."

"Penny! TMI!" Olivia glaring at me. Me and Grayson just laughed.

"No, it's okay. I remember now." Grayson said smiling at her.

"So where's your brother and why are you with Pen?" Olivia asked finally getting used to Graysons face. She blushed when she asked where Ethan was. She loves Grayson but she loves Ethan more.

"At a party. I was supposed to go but your friend here said she wasn't going to go so I decided to hang out with her." Grayson explained himself then they just fell into a conversation.

I looked at Grayson and just watched him talk to Olivia. Did he really want to hang out with me instead of going to a party? A guy like him would really do that to a girl like me? I mean, I'm nothing special but his friends are there.

"She's a cool chick." Grayson said as he gave my phone back. They probably talked for like 20 minutes before Olivia had to go.

"Yeah she is. She's my best friend since middle school." I said smiling at him. Putting my phone on the table, I grabbed the remote and pressed play.

Grayson grabbed the remote from me and turned off the TV. "As much as I enjoy watching Friends with you. I would rather talk to you and get know more of this mysterious chick in front of me." He said smiling before getting comfortable, facing me. "We have plenty of time to watch friends." He said when I raised an eyebrow at him.

I laughed and did the same, faced him and smiled. "Alright then. What do you want to know?" I ask him not really know what to say.

He thought for a minute, and then smiled, "What's your favorite color?" he asked proudly.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Really Grayson? What's my favorite color? You can ask a better question than that!" I said while laughing.

"Come onnnn, just go with it!" He whined.

I laughed at him, "Fine fine." I said and he just looked at me waiting for my answer. I thought of colors and finally picked one. "Green." I said with a smile.

He opened his mouth in an O shape and covered his mouth, obviously overreacting. "Me too!" He said in a girl tone. We just laughed together. "Alright now, any boyfriend or ex-boyfriends?" He asked taking me off guard.

"Well, that escalated quickly." I teased making him smirk and make his eyebrows dance. "But yes, I've had a boyfriend. Just 1." I said.

He just looked at me, "What happened?" Unsure with his question. Like he wasn't sure if he should ask me or not.

"It's fine." I assured him that it was okay to ask me that. "Well, it's really complicated." I said playing with my fingers.

Then I felt his hand on top of my fingers, I looked at him and he was smiling at me. "I can take complicated."

I smiled at him and explained everything that had happened. That me and my ex-boyfriend, Harry, were a great couple. But things happened. His family never really liked me. At first he was ignoring it but then his family got to him, and then just left me. We dated for about 2 years. But the break up didn't really ruin me because 2 months after our break up, we had to move to LA.

"I loved him. So much. More than I've loved anyone actually. But sometimes, things happen in your life that you just have to accept it." I said, ending the story with that.

He just looked at me, "I think I like you."

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