Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Penelope's POV

"Please don't tell Grayson." Was the first I said once I got out from my hospital room. With both my parents assisting me.

My brothers and Ethan quickly ran towards me from the waiting room, they looked at me with pity. Ugh. I hate it when people pity me. I don't need it.

"Pen, how can I not tell Grayson this?" Ethan spoke up after a few minutes. My parents told them to help me sit down while they check me out and sign some papers. And they did. With Ethan on my left, and Zach on my right. Ringo just guided us towards the chairs near the front desk. "Grayson needs to know about this, Pen." He said once we were sat down.

I guess Ringo and Zach filled him in with info's. Since he was staring at me like I had cancer and had a day to live. Which I don't have. It's actually my hearts decision when I'm going to die. It has the say in my life. It controls my life. How I'm supposed to live, breathe, and eat.

"Ethan, promise me Grayson doesn't know about this." I said, facing him. Holding both of his hands. Letting my eyes do the begging. "Please, Ethan. Just trust me."

He sighed, raising my hands and kissing it. A friendly kiss. Grayson wasn't the only Dolan I've grown close to. Ethan was practically a bother to me. He's been nothing but kind to me. Always had my back, no matter what and no matter what the situation is. "Okay, I promise."

I smiled, bringing him in for a tight hug. "HEY! US too!" Ringo whined while hugging both Ethan and I. Zach doing the same thing.

I giggled, "I love you guys!" I said.

"We love you too, Pen." They all said in unison, pulling away from the hug. I smiled at them. I'm probably the luckiest girl in the world right now.

"So, what do you even have? These two told me but I still don't get it." Ethan said pointing both of his thumbs towards Zach and Ringo.

"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy" A man in the mid 40's spoke as he stood in front of us. The doctor who took care of me for the past two hours. "It's a heart disease where your heart muscles enlarge and cause the heart walls to thicken. Which is also the cause of why Penelope can't breathe at times where things are too much for her." He explained, seeing the confused Ethan beside of me.

I giggled at Ethan, "Is it curable?" I like how Ethan is so curious about my sickness.

The doctor nodded, "yes it is, young man. It is also can be avoided. And since Ms. Brady here doesn't want to go through surgery, we try to avoid things that would lead her to an attack." He explained once more.

Ethan just nodded, not really sure what to ask the doctor next. I smiled and looked at the doctor; I know he wanted to remind me something since he went here. "I just wanted to remind you to keep away from stress. We can't let another attack happen, Ms. Brady. We'll never know what could happen next." He said. I just nodded and smiled at him. He did the same and walked away.

"So, why do you not want the surgery again?" Ethan asked again, in a very confused way. We all stood up as we saw our parents walk towards us.

I just laughed at him and wrapped arm around him, well at least the part of my arm that could reach his shoulders since he was taller than me. "Let's go home, Dolan. You've asked too many questions for today." I simply said and walked out of the hospital while my family and I laughed at him because that left him more confused. There's just so much to explain and I'm pretty exhausted to explain everything to him.

"Grayson's calling." Ethan spoke. We were back at the house, watching a movie in the living room. My parents went back to work. And since it was like already 5pm in the afternoon, Grayson was probably back at their house as well.

I looked at him, with wide eyes. I totally forgot that I was supposed to help him with his teachers before lunch ended. "Shit." I mumbled and watched Ethan answer the call. "Hey, Gray. What sup?"

I just looked at him, watched every expression he makes as he talks to Grayson. At first, he had a stern look. Then started smiling. I looked at him confusedly, why was he laughing? I thought Grayson would be mad because we ditched him. Well, we didn't really ditch him. It was an emergency, a matter of life and death. But he doesn't know that.

"No man. I'm just here at the Brady's." He started saying. I looked at him then he stared back at me, shrugging his shoulders. "Uhhh... They were called by their parents earlier and I had to drive them back home." He added. I sighed in relief. I felt bad that he had to lie to his own brother. But he knew that I wasn't ready to let Grayson know. I had no plans on telling either of them. Ethan just lucky because I was with him when I had an attack.

I watched Ethan end the call and put it back in his pocket, "I'm sorry you had to lie to him." I stroked his arm that was next to me. I did feel bad. I've never lied to anyone, so it must be horrible to be lying to someone you love. Especially to a family member.

"You won't be sorry when I tell you this" He said with a worry expression.

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "What?" I panicked. I already knew what he was about to say but I needed to hear it.

"Grayson is on his way right now."

I looked at him with wide eyes, "What do you mean?" I asked so stupidly. I knew what he just said, but I really wanted to make sure I was right. That he just said Grayson was on the way here. I clearly had no idea what to tell him. What lie I was going to tell him next. I hate lying to Grayson, when he's been nothing but nice to me. But I had no other choice. I don't want to hurt him.

Ethan rolled his eyes and smacked the back of my head lightly; he looked at me like I was stupid. Well, I did ask a stupid question so I guess I deserved that. "Why didn't you tell him that he couldn't?!"

He just shrugged and continued to watch whatever we were watching on the TV. "Grayson is stubborn as fuck. You should know that by now that nothing can stop him from seeing you." He spoke, keeping his eyes on the TV.

I groaned as I heard the doorbell ring, I slipped on my unicorn slippers and dragged my feet towards the door. I was not ready to face anyone today. But then again, maybe it's time to tell him. Am I even ready to not have Grayson in my life? Was I ready to face the angry Grayson? Was I ready to tell him that I was lying to him and tell him everything?

When I opened the door, I saw Grayson standing in front of me with a bouquet of tulips. He didn't notice that I had already opened the door, he was on his phone. I just stood there taking everything in. This boy is really something. He just doesn't give up.

"You just don't give up, don't you?" I joked, taking his attention. When he heard my voice, he looked up his phone and smiled widely at me. I leaned against the door frame with a smirk forming my lips.

He put his phone back in pocket, smirking right back at me. "Not when I really want something" Was he really flirting with me right now? I thought he would be furious at me for ditching him once again. "And please, these aren't for you." He said pointing at the bouquet.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh really now?" I said crossing my arms. I just watched him laugh at me. I knew he was joking. He likes to tease me a lot. He said my annoying face is cute. We enjoy teasing each other, joking around and making fun of each other. I'm surprised neither of us are getting pissed.

"Kidding, P. Of course these lovely flowers are for you." He said handing me the flowers, walking inside the house and leaving me there. I smiled, smelling the wonderful flowers in my hands. Not going to lie, I'm starting to have strong feelings for this boy.

This is bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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