Episode 3: Exhausted And Boiling

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"Miley?" "Hm?" "Whatcha doing?" "Texting." "You've been awfully quiet today, even for you." "Hmm.." "Wanna talk about it?" "Hmm." "Miley?" "Yes?" "Come, join me." Demi places her diary away and makes space in her bed for me to sit next to her. I hesitate, looking at her. But in the end, I get up and place myself in her bed. "So, what's up?" I shrug my shoulders. "Is it Kyra?" she asks. A sigh leaves my throat. "Do you really dislike her that much?" "I don't dislike her.. I just.. She's just so different." "Is different bad?" She covers us both in her blanket, as we sit with our backs against the head of the bed. "No. She's just incredibly ignorant. I can't stand that." I frown. "I thought so." 

Sometimes I wonder if Demi can read my thoughts. She knows me better than anyone else. Even worse, she knows all of us better than anyone else. She's good at reading minds. I guess it makes her a good friend. "You'll just have to get used to her. I'm sure you guys will be okay." "When she stands there, not knowing what to do, it annoys the crap out of me." I try to explain. "That will fade. She comes from an isolated tribe, Miles. Imagine her in the forest, or around campfires. That's her life." "Then why the heck did she choose to come here. She doesn't even seem to like it. She ran from dinner crying." "You were being kind of mean to her, Miley.." "What did I do wrong this time!?" "Shh, they're sleeping." I groan and cover my face with my hands. 

"I tried.." I say quietly. "I know." Her voice calms me a bit somehow. I pull my knees up and place my arms around them, covering my face. "Relax, okay?" She places her hand on my shoulder. "She probably hates me now." My voice breaks. "No, I don't think so." Demi shakes her head. I look at her and sigh. She yawns. "We should get to bed.."I say, attempting to get up. "It's fine. We can still talk." She smiles. I look down. "I talked to her. She thought you were only trying to put her in her place. I told her it's not true." "Did she think I was intimidating her?" "I think so." "Hmm.." "But I think she's been taught to think like that. In ranks." "Why?" "Well, she told me she needed to show me respect because she thought I was the leader." "It barely works that way in this world." I think. Demi nods. "But I made that clear to her, don't worry." She smirked. 

"I doubt if she likes it here." I state. "Do you want her to like it here?" She asks. I look in her eyes and shrug my shoulders. "I mean she's a new member of the house, I guess she should." I add. "Then maybe try to keep down the irritation and make her feel at home. Okay?" I think again. She has a point. I nod. "Come. Get to bed, we need to be up early tomorrow." She nudges me as I hop out of bed. "Goodnight." "Yeah.. night." 


It's the same dream, all over again. I thought that, when I would move into my new home, the nightmares would fade. I was mistaken. It even got worse. I really like the women in this house. They're all beautiful and kind in their own way, even Miley. Still, in my dream, it was those three women who were chasing the people in my tribe and killing Sardaar. Miley, Demi, and Selena only. They looked furious. They were so... violent. It was horrific.

My eyes shoot open and I sit up in a reflex. I try to catch my breath as my vision comes back to me. I can see the dark room in front of me. Sweat is dripping down my back and my face. It's muggy in the room. I'm shaking severely. Demons haunt me at night. They always have. My only console is the moon. I'm scared. The windows were closed and so were the doors. I can't get fresh air. I can't look at the stars. I cannot go outside... 

"Are you okay?" I hear a voice behind me. I jump and look at her for a split second. Selena's face reminds me of the violent creature in my dream, threatening people with her weapon, amongst her two friends. I quickly look away and lay down, faced away from her. "Hey?" She asks again. "I-I'm fine." Tears choke me again. I can't help but let them go. Don't sob. Do not sob. A sniff. It's silent on the other side of the bed for a moment. I can feel her hesitating thoughts in my neck.

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