Episode 7: You Know That

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I can see the knife being pressed against Demi's neck. She keeps her chin high, but the fear is visible in her eyes. I stand there shocked, while I hear the rest of the girl storming downstairs. They heard the panic in Demi's voice. A man, a scary man, is standing in front of our door. He looks at all of us. "There's no one else here?" He asks while looking in Demi's eyes. She shakes her head swiftly. He takes her neck and takes her into the living room. I can see Miley looking around to find something that can stop him. I quickly place my hand on her shoulder. Unless she has a gun, there's nothing that can threaten him faster than he can slit Demi's throat. The idea sends shivers down my spine. The man looks around and points with his finger to Miley's jeans. "Phone." He holds his hand up. Miley quickly gives it to him. So do I, after he points at my pocket. Within a look, he seems to know that Kyra doesn't have one. He quickly grasps for the phone in Demi's pocket and he places all of them in his bag. He opens the drawers of our kitchen and grabs scissors. He quickly, walks to the other side of the room, dragging Demi with him. He quickly cuts the phone cords. He looks at Kyra. "Did you see what I did?" He looks intimidating at her. She nods. He gives the scissors to her. "Bring me the phones from upstairs with cut cords." Kyra quickly runs upstairs to do as he says. She runs back downstairs and places the phone on the couch. He suddenly points at Miley, then at Kyra, and then at me. "I need... The four of you." He points at Demi. "To go to my brother." "What?" Miley frowns. The man speaks slow and steady. As if he has planned every detail. Perhaps he has. "Do you see this?" He holds up a device that shows our house. "Let's say that I am a social man. And what do social men have? Social men know people who can work for them. People who possess bombs, or possess the ability to burn up a house, all without getting caught. Now, I want the four of you to find a way into the Dimension of Balance and find my brother. He is expecting all of you. And if you do not leave within thirty minutes, not only this house but also this one." He quickly presses one of the buttons on his device and shows it to Miley. Miley's eyes widen quickly. "And this one." The button is pressed again and he shows it to me. It's my father's house. I gulp. "And this one." He shows another pic and faces the device towards Demi, but she doesn't seem to be paying attention to it. She's scared, pale. In shock. As if she's about to faint. "Will either be blown up or be put into flames, regardless of the people in it." "What does your brother want from us?" He quickly looks at Miley. "That is what you will find out once you're there. Pack your bags, it will a few days to get to his stay. The teleporter is not next to his house if you get what I mean." "Where can we find him..? And where is the teleporter?" His eyes now point to Kyra. "You know that." It's as if his eyes bury into her soul. "You are being followed. It doesn't cost me more than one press on this button, and the people will do what they are told. If you do not leave this house in thirty minutes, this house and all the other houses are gone." He quickly walks to the front door, still with the knife pressed on Demi's neck. He finally lets go of her. Twenty pounds are released from my shoulders. He closes the door behind him. Demi looks up at us. I quickly walk to her and hug her tight. My arms embrace her, yet she doesn't seem to do the same. She's shaking like a dog shitting razor blades. I can feel her chest rising and falling against mine very fast. "Breathe, Demi. It's okay." I can hear shouting in the living room, but I don't care right now. "He didn't kill me.." She whispers. "Yes, good. You're safe now." I pull away from the hug and wipe the hair from her face. She looks so pale, it scares me. "We're going to pack our bags, he demanded us to find his brother." I inform her, assuming she didn't really follow any of the man's words. She nods. "Selena." Kyra calls for me in the living room. I turn around and step towards her, only to find Miley raging and looking around in drawers. "Miley, cut it out, we don't have time for this." I say. She looks up as her furious eyes follow me to the kitchen. I fill a glass of water for Demi. "This guy can't just demand us to go on this long trip to his fucking brother. He wants us to go to another dimension. Don't you think this has 'elements' written all over it!? He is obviously going to fucking kill us! And then what will happen to the world!" She shouts. I sigh. She has a point. "This guy clearly has a heck of an amount of people behind him. We better do as he says. It's either maybe die or die for sure." I say a bit pissed. She growls. "Go spend your overload of energy on something useful. Go pack, go help Kyra pack. I'll take care of Demi." "Where the fuck do we even have to go!?" "Martha." Kyra suddenly says with a quiet voice. She looks at Miley. "I am sure." She nods. For the first time, she doesn't look naive or ignorant. It seems to calm Miley down somehow. She sighs and nods too.


I park the car in the parking lot of the small building. We all look at it. "Is this it Kyra?" Demi asks. Kyra nods and opens the door. The stars are visible and the sun is gone. It's starting to get late. I can see people that look like policemen walk towards up. We all step out of the car and grab our stuff. One of the men starts talking. "You guys can come with us. We are prepared." "We only want to see Martha." Kyra speaks. "Martha is waiting there for the four of you." We get lead into the building. We walk past a room full of small cells. Cells that look like this is a prison. "Were you here before you were sent to our house, Kyra?" I ask, not being able to imagine her in one of those cells. It must have been horrible for her. "Yes." She says as we all make haste through the hallway. I can hear at least two people crying behind the bars. "For how long?" "Fifteen nights." She seems to be very sure of her answers. "That's.. long." I frown. We walk into an elevator and get taken underground. As soon as the door opens, I can hear a yell from beside me. "Martha!" Kyra quickly pushes herself through the guards and hugs a tall woman with blond hair tight. "It's great to see you too, dear. But you all must hurry." She pulls away from the hug quickly. "My name is Martha. You met Dubalein. I am from the same company that takes care of the safety of the elements. We knew that Obscuro would make a plan like this, we've been keeping track of him for a while." "Obscuro?" "Yes, the brother of the man who sent you here. He is expecting you." "But why?" I ask further. "We haven't found out yet. But here is a device that can keep you guys in contact with us. As soon as we find out what he wants from you guys, we can warn you." She gives a strange phone-like thing to Demi. "Now get in here." She quickly walks to another room. A big machine is placed in the corner of it. The teleporter. She opens the door of it quickly. She guides us in it. "Put these in your mouth. It will feel like a shock." She quickly hands all of us mouthguards. We do as told, as the door almost gets closed. "I believe in you. Okay? Whatever is going to happen, you guys will make it. I promise." She closes the door.


He had his knife against my neck. The experience was weird. I had prepared myself to feel pain and eventually die. The thought of dying took over all of my senses. He dragged me across the room as if I was his doll. Everything had slowly become a big blur, and I don't know why. Perhaps it was because I was scared. I wanted to fall on my knees and cover my head, begging him not to hurt me. But if I would've moved, he would've pushed the knife into my skin and slid it. I would fall on the ground and bleed to death. He talked, his demands were loud and I could hear them directly in my left ear. His words were clear, and his demands scared me more than I already was. Yet I didn't know what he was saying. The words seeped into my head but seeped out just as easily. I was frozen. I was paralyzed. All because that metal thing touched my neck. I can't get the feeling out of my head.

I can feel all of my muscles getting tensed. It's just for a brief moment, but it hurts. I get blinded by a big flash and deafened by many loud noises. I try my best to keep my feet on the ground. I can hear a high pitched tone in my head. It fades, and I slowly regain my vision. I can see the other girls being in the same horrible state as I am. The feeling of having to throw up and like your veins are going to pop. "Are you guys okay?" I ask through my heavy breathing. They nod. "Are we there?" Miley asks. She looks around to find a way to open the door. Eventually, she finds a switch and she presses it. Sissing sounds can be heard as the door gets released from the post and falls to the ground with a big bang. I look around. We're at the beginning of a cave. I step outside to see what's on the other side of the machine, but it's nothing but rocks and moss. We're at the bottom of a ravine. The only source of light is the moonlight seeping through the rocks on top of it. "We should take a rest here." I point at the beginning of the tunnel. "We don't know how long it will take to get to the other side."  "Do you want us to go in there?" Selena asks as she raises her eyebrows. "Well, yes, unless you think you can climb up." "Yes... or you just try to make something that looks like a stair with earth." Miley adds. I sigh. "We're going through that cave." I roll my eyes and place my stuff down. I can just feel how Selena and Miley look confused at each other. It irritates me. Kyra makes her bed next to me. She sits down and looks at the rocks of the cave, studying it with her fingertips. "I've never seen this stone." She says confused. I look at it. It indeed looks odd. Miley sighs after settling her bed. "I'm hungry." "We had dinner." "Yes, like 5 hours ago." "It's late. We should really get some rest."

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