Chapter Two

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I  walk down the mud path noticing foot prints.

Slowly I come to a stop hearing a gun shot. I take out running in that direction, it could be anyone.

I get to a large walker with a stab wound in its head.

I turn looking around and quickly make my way to a fallen tree trunk.

Inside the cracks I see bunny heads, the blood was dry but it was still disgusting.

I shake my head backing away and walk further into the forest losing faith.

The street lead around curving at a point. I was lost.

A bus was stopped in the middle of the road. It looked familiar.

Dead walkers were layed out around the back of the bus as I get closer , none of them people I knew.

I step over the bodies and get into the bus from the back.

I look down at body inbetween the seats. I stab it with the sword and exit the bus from the front. 

Soon as I step off I am face to face with a walker. It was a exact copy of me..  just as a walker.

It didnt try to bite me, or flinch , not even moan. It just stared at me as I looked at it.

It was as if it was a mirror, a mirror like that was what I would look like soon.

Other walkers started to appear around the bus stumbling toward us.

I creep around the walker that looked like me as it turned to me with its jaw open.

It still just looked.

One comes behind me as I push it away in fear. I pull the sword dropping my bag.

I slice the one that looked like me clean through its head, in anger.

Another two get close as I  cut their heads clean off as well.

I lift the sword behind me connecting with one behind me.

I stab the last two through the face and then their necks.

I drop the sword and lean against the bus gasping for air.

I sink to the ground in tears.

"Carl...I miss you so much." Is the only words I could say through the sobbing.

I wipe my eyes and grab the handle of the sword befote getting up.

I keep walking down the street dragging the sword behind me knowing I have a holder.


Its almost night and I had put the sword and the holder into my bag and now carry my bow and arrow.

I found the mud path with the foot prints and it lead to a shack.

I slowly push open the door and get hit with the smell of candles.

There were candles placed everywhere as I slowly walk with my bow drawn.

I didn't want to take a chance.  I find a small hatch and lift it up.  Under it was a stream flowing downward.

I look around and place my bag behind a shelf.

I slowly descend with my bow and quiver around my shoulder.

I hold my breath till I get slung with the water down further. I finally am able to breath as I hit the ground and the water around me surges to the end of the corridor.

There is a tall figure at the end of the corridor. I draw my bow slowly walking down.

It could be a walker, or another cannibal I have had my share of those already.

I lift up in the murky and swishing ankle high water pulling the arrow.

The figure turns around catching my breath.

"I thought...I thought you were dead."

"Kayla.." My dad turns around with a look on his face.

"Dad." I say in shock, "Where...where have you been."

"I..I have been with Phillip, your uncle," a grin appears on his face.

"What." I didnt understand.

"I have been watching you Bonnie. "


"I have watched you since Rick took you to the prison."

"You bitch." I raise my bow.

"And as for your mother...I killed her." He tosses her necklace at my feet.

" saw me have to kill Jason." I hold back tears.

"Yep..I saw it all..You and Carl.. all of it."

"You saw me struggle...You watched me get bit!" I yell now.

His expression shows no remorse.

"Don't move. " I say as he steps forward.

"I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." I lower my bow and turn around and go to walk away.

"Don't walk away from me!" I hear him running now as the water swishes under his feet.

I turn pulling a arrow and stab it into his arm making him drop his knife.

I load another one into my bow as he hits me in the face making me drop it.

I fall into the water as it curvs against me.

He leans down to speak.

"Sorry..bitch." He raises his knife as I lift my leg out of the water kicking him in the head.

"Ah fuck!" He yells as I get up. He grabs me by the neck and slames me against the wall.

I push his face away as he tries to strangle me.

I kick my foot into his groin making him drop me. I pull his gun from his holster before dropping to the ground.

I shoot him in the stomach making him collapse.

I spit out blood as I walk to him.

" " I pull the trigger as a bullet hits his head.

BOOK THREE * We Remain ➳ Carl Grimes [ The Walking Dead ] *editing*Where stories live. Discover now