Before We Begin

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So.... before we begin.

This is my OC, Fantasia.

She's known everyone in the castle since forever, and she's an integral part of how everything functions. She's a guru on everything, whether it comes to be about music, magic, or even dimensional travel. Magic has always been apart of her life, even before the curse. She's very active throughout the castle, whether it be translating the Beasts books from Greek into a more understandable language, or writing an opera. She's known and loved by all, and no one knows where they would be without her.

Note: * The pic above is post-curse, then pre-curse (basically next chapter).

A/N: Yes, this description is a bit awkward, but, just trust me. Also, the prologue is important.

Anyways.... ONWARD!

L'Amour  (Lumiere X OC) ~2017 Beauty and the Beast~Where stories live. Discover now