Chapter 5

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A/N: OH GOD I HAVENT UPDATED IM SOOOOOO SORRY. BUT 400 READS?! WHAT?! THANK YOU SO MUCH! But seriously I'm sorry for not updating. Sooo to make up for it, here's an extra long chapter.

Months passed, and years passed, seasons flew. Still no one walked through the doors of the castle. The Master had fallen into a greater state of despair, and anger quickly consumed him.
Lumiere and Fantasia had grown closer over time as friends and work partners, and told each other practically anything except for their feelings for each other. The staff was quietly and slowly losing hope, accepting the fact that they would eventually lay in the bed that they had made.

Until that day.

It had been a normal enough day. The Master was acting like a pre pubescent teenager, the staff was doing their usual work, and Fantasia was with Lumiere and Cogsworth in the foyer after sketching in the library. They were making much ado about nothing, but they accepted it. Then, the door opened, and all was silent. A man had walked in. Older, slightly stout, his age showing. He called out looking for someone, anyone.

Lumiere and Cogsworth were quietly bickering about what to do.

"Would the two of you shut up?!" Fantasia suddenly whisper yelled. This silenced the two, but drew the attention of the man to them. Lumiere and Cogsworth stiffened, and Fantasia drew back into the darkness behind them, taking care to stay out of Lumieres light as the unknown man slowly approached them. He closely examined Cogsworth and Lumiere, commenting on the exquisity of one unnamed, leaving them to bicker once again when the man was out of earshot.

"Ah, a man of taste.." Lumiere said.

"He was talking about me!" Cogsworth cried.

"No, even as 'exquisite' as you are, he was talking about me!" Lumiere retorted.

"He was talking about both of you! Now would the two of you shove it and come on?!" Fantasia said, beckoning them along to track the man as they followed with slightly shocked faces. They both decided that it would be best to keep silent for now, as to spare themselves from the woman's stress induced wrath.

Suddenly, music filled the air. Familiar music. Harpsichord music.

"Cadenza..." Lumiere murmured, as a look of fear covered the faces of the three. The trio ran to the ballroom. Well, duo mostly. Cogsworth's form had significantly slowed him, even more so than when he was human.

When Lumiere and Fantasia arrived at the ballroom, the man had already started down towards the dining room. The duo followed, stepping in quickly, watching as the man sat at the table and took a bite or two the food laid out before him. Fantasia suddenly heard the rattling and sliding of a saucer, accompanied by a quiet voice. Chip!
He was apologizing for moving "Because his mum said it might be scary."

The man said that it was quite alright, and promptly ran out, knocking over Fantasia, who was luckily caught by Lumiere. After saying a quick thanks, Fantasia grew to her normal size and grabbed Lumiere, running after the man to see where he would go. Luckily for them, he ran straight out the door. Everything goes back to normal now. Or so they thought.

Fantasia set down Lumiere and sighed in relief, thanking the heavens that the man hadn't gone into the West Wing. If he'd gone in there who knows what would've happened.

But it wasn't over. Suddenly there was a great roar that came from the... gazebo? The only thing over there that would make the Master angry would be...

"Il a choisi une damnée roseate! Of course he had to pick one of those. I planted Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Cyclamen, Evergreens, so many, but of course, he just had to pick a bloody rose!"

L'Amour  (Lumiere X OC) ~2017 Beauty and the Beast~Where stories live. Discover now