Chapter 6

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"Ready miss?", Lumiere said.

"Trust us.", He quickly whispered to Cogsworth.

And they were off.

As the quartet walked on a bridge towards the East Wing, Lumiere spoke up.

"You must forgive first impressions," he said with a weak smile. "I hope you are not too startled."

"Startled?," Belle retorted with a raised brow. "Why would I be startled? I'm talking to a candle."

"Ah-ah! Candelabra," Lumiere corrected. "Enormous difference. But we do hope you enjoy your stay. The castle is your home now, so feel free to go wherever you like-"

"Except the West Wing."

The trio looked at the clock, one in confusion and two in annoyance.

"Which we do not have." Cogsworth added quickly.

"Why?," Belle questioned, looking back in the direction of said forbidden area. "What's in the West Wing?"

"Nothing. Storage space is all." Fantasia answered quickly.

Belle raised her eyebrow at Fantasia, then looked to Lumiere. She didn't buy the explanation and everyone knew it. However, no one made an effort to confess the truth.

"This way, please," Lumiere said. "To the East Wing, or as I like to call it, the only wing."

Belle reluctantly followed the candelabras directions. She followed Cogsworths waddle, and Fantasias long and brisk stride down endless hallways before they stopped at a large, ornate door.

"Welcome to your new home." Lumiere said, his tone almost whimsical as he pushed open the large door.
When they stepped through, they found the room to be a bit dusty, but Plumette had set to correct that straight away. After a quick facepalming session at the expense of Belle not being aware of the non-sentience of some objects, Lumiere called for Madame de Garderobe, who stirred from her slumber.

"Madame, we have someone for you to dress!"

"Oh, my Fantasia! I haven't seen her in days!"

"No, not me. We have someone new."

"Well then! Let me see..." She said before noticing Belle.

"Oh, goodness! Garderobe exclaimed as she took Belle face between her hands.

"Let's see, pretty eyes, proud face. A great canvas." She sighed happily, "I will make you a dress worthy of a princess."

Belle looked at her awkwardly "Oh, I'm... not a princess."

"Nonsense! Now, let's see what I have in my drawers."

She opened her top drawer, and a few moths flew out.

"Oh, how embarrassing!" she said.

Before anyone could comfort the armoire, Garderobe pulled out a hoopskirt and put it over Belle head. Colorful hues of pink and purple fabric wrapped around Belle as she spun around in the whirlwind that was a tired Madame dressmaking.

When she was finished, a mismatched, thrown together 'masterpiece' had been created. Garderobe waited expectantly for comment from the others. Belle had on a slightly mortified expression, and looked to Lumiere, who had on the same face as he and the others moved towards the door.

"Understated, simple.... it's great!" He said.

"Anyways," he continued. "If you have further needs, the staff will attend to them. We are at your service."

L'Amour  (Lumiere X OC) ~2017 Beauty and the Beast~Where stories live. Discover now