Chapter 2

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"Are you okay?," Fantasia asks everyone.
"Well, not really, but what happened to you?"

"Honestly, I have some idea, but not all. But what I do know, is that we need to find Lumiere and Cogsworth before we try to get the staff under control. Then we can try to figure out what happened to me."

"But where would they be?," Plumette inquires.

"Well, I heard Cogsworth trying to calm the staff in the foyer, so you all should head over there, and-"

"Wait, wait, what do you mean by just us? Aren't you coming with us?"

"No Plumette, I was going to say that you all should look for Cogsworth while I go look for Lumiere."

"Now, now, we musn't split up," Mrs. Potts interjected. "We can't risk losing one another in all of this chaos!"
She had on a slightly fearful expression, but she was trying to keep it together in front of Chip, silently urging Fantasia to stay with them. Her pleading face made Fantasia crack.

"Fine, but we need to be fast."

*Time Skip*

"Ok, now we need to find Lumiere."

"But why Fantasia? We don't need the bumbling fool to-"

He was cut of with a curt and sharp glare, and then he remembered who he was dealing with.

"N-nevermind. Let's go!"

Cogsworth chuckled nervously; he knew of Fantasias' feelings for Lumiere, so did Mrs. Potts, but he never really took them into account.

They quartet continued on throughout the hallways of the castle, having discovered that the serving cart could, suprisingly, move on its own. They came upon the kitchen, which was unexpectedly bustling with life. The door suddenly swung open, exposing the blazing stove that was Cuisinier and a.... candelabra?

Fantasia was the first to recognize him.
He turned, startled to see everyone there, but most startled to see the blue woman his size in front of them. He studied her face, and soon recognized her.
She was relieved. He had actually recognized her. He didn't forget her.

"That would be me!"

Lumiere jumped over pots, pans, and tables, pirouetting as he went, until he landed in front of her and wrapped his arms around Fantasia in relief and joy. He suddenly spun her around crying, "You're ok! You're ok!", but then, as quickly as he had found his joy, he found his sadness in remembering that she had been affected too. He gently set her down.

"Wha-what happened to you?"

"That's the question we've all been asking," Mrs. Potts interjected.

Everyone stopped to look at her, the question all on their minds, concerned about the fate of their loyal friend and comrade.

Fantasia sighed,"Well if we're going to do this, let me start from the beginning."
(Thoughts are in this font)

Wh-what was happening?! Everything had been fine!... I step out for a second and all of a sudden all the guests are streaming out the door!...

After Lumiere left her, Fantasia had decided to step out into the hallway for a second to freshen up; that dance had worn her out a bit...
Then, a clap of thunder had startled Fantasia, but she shook it off, remembering the storm clouds she had seen while preparing for the party.

Then, she heard it. She saw it. The screams of the guests, the sound of their feet rushing out even louder than the storm outside... the light of the Enchantress, her body floating above the staff... Adam... poor Adam, his body transforming into that of a Beasts'. But before she saw nothing, felt nothing, she heard the words of the curse binding her to her form...

"Your master has no love in his heart. Because of this, he shall become what he is; a beast. If he can learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal of this rose falls, then the spell will be broken. If not, he will be doomed to remain a beast for all time.
And as for you, servants, if the curse is not broken, you shall become as inanimate as your counterparts."

After the Enchantress spoke her curse, a bright light enveloped all of those who were in the castle. But Fantasia heard these words before losing conciousness:

"You, my dear, get something a bit... special. Magic is a part of you, it always has been, so you are able handle a bit more. So to you, I say this:
Beginning of your own accord, you shall merge with your destiny, wrapped in its arms. And if the curse isn't broken, you shall become what it is made of, for it shall be a part of you."

Everyone was in a bit of shock, not just from the situation they were in, but the fact that yet another one of their closest friends had been given a different fate.

Cogsworth broke the silence.
"That explains much," he said, his sarcasm never lost.

"Exacly. So apparently, now I have a whole bunch of undiscovered powers, a vague prophecy that I might fulfill, and I'm blue. And a bit small."

"Don't worry ma cherie. Besides, we're all in this together now," Lumiere attempted to reassure her with a caring smile and embrace, not knowing what the future held for the two of them and the rest.

But for now, everyone knew that they had a much bigger challenge ahead of them: the Master.


Thanks for reading the chapter! Comment what you think of the story, but as I've said before, (Please, be a bit gentle.)

Anyways.... ONWARD!

L'Amour  (Lumiere X OC) ~2017 Beauty and the Beast~Where stories live. Discover now