Chapter 7

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Once Belle had finished eating the wonderful meal that she'd been served, Mrs. Potts sent her to bed, with Fantasia standing atop her cart, saying that she'd be up in a few minutes. After all of the singing, dancing, and serving, she needed something to eat herself.

She and Mrs. Potts had only gotten past the door when Fantasia was pulled into a loving, bone crushing hug by Lumiere, who was spewing compliment after compliment on her performance.

"Lumiere...can't...breathe,"she gasped.

"Sorry ma chère, I just got so excited!"

Fantasia chuckled, "Thanks for the enthusiasm. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to get some food."

"Of course. I'll be with Cogsworth if you need me!", he replied as he walked out of the kitchen.

Fantasia nodded as she grew to her normal size, grabbing the plate Cuisinier had made her and stepping back into a corner. It was a force of habit, she had to admit. Back when there were more people to serve, she'd never had a break. It was always so busy...

"Poppet, are you alright?", Mrs. Potts called.

Fantasia looked up, startled. "I'm fine, why?"

"Well, you seemed a bit out of it. Thinking about anything? Or anybody?"

Fantasia chuckled as she walked towards the kitchen table, trying to hide her blush.

"No, really it was nothing.", she said as she sat down.

"Ok then..."Mrs. Potts replied, still a bit skeptical of her reaction.

Fantasia quickly turned her attention to her food, not trying to make any more conversation. But as soon as she was about to take a bite, there was a great roar.

From the West Wing.

Fantasia rushed out to the foyer to see Belle rushing to the door. Before she could call out, Lumiere beat her to the punch.

"Mademoiselle, what are you doing?!"

"Getting out of here!", Belle cried.

Fantasia tried to run to stop Belle, but her clothes were caught on an embellishment on the wall.

"Stop!", Cogsworth yelled, before sounding the alarm. The locks on the doors fell into place, and Frou Frou had stopped in front of Belle, before running out of the doggy door and unintentionally leading Belle to her escape.

Moments later, the Master appeared, dashing down the steps. Fantasia ran in front of him, confused and worried.

"What did you do?!" she cried, looking with disappointment.

"She went into the West Wing!"

"And now she's out the bloody door!," Fantasia started. "And if we don't get out there and find her soon, then the probability of finding a corpse will be high. Very high."

The Beast nodded, and rushed out the door. Fantasia was primed and ready to fly out after him, but as she was about to-

"Wait!," Lumiere called.

Fantasia turned to face him.

"It's too dangerous ma chère! Don't go!" he continued.

She looked at him, so desperately wanting to stay. But she couldn't.

"No Lumiere," she said. "I have to do this. For us."

Before Lumiere could say anymore, Fantasia was gone. His love, his light, was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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L'Amour  (Lumiere X OC) ~2017 Beauty and the Beast~Where stories live. Discover now