Chapter 3

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I'm thinking about updating every two to three days, but I'll definitely be updating on Saturdays.
Anyways.... ONWARD!

The castle was a bit calmer after somehow, miraculously the staff were able to figure out what happened to all of them. They had split of into their respective groups and attempted to at least try to gain control of themselves.
But, everyone was still on edge, for the Master had not been seen, the only reminder of his existence being the clothes torn apart on the ballroom floor, and the ghastly roars that occasionally resounded throughout the halls.

It had been almost a week, and Fantasia had been extremely careful not to let anyone see her crack under pressure. She needed to stay strong, for all of them. They all were worse off than her,at least she was still flesh and bone... at least she could feel.

On another note, Fantasia and the other servants were a bit worried (read: extremely worried) about Adam, but they hadn't acted, out of fear that if they did, something terrible would happen to them.

They truly did care about the master, but they also cared about their own well being, as well as their comerades'. Soon though, Fantasias patience had started to wear thin.
Fantasias worry for Adam had only increased, and she noticed the same of the others.

"I think it would be wise of us to find the master, and soon.", she suddenly and firmly declared. "We can't just let him be alone, doing who knows what. Besides, it's been almost a week, and he's probably feeling the worst out of all of us."
Everyone agreed with her statement, but they were still wary of confronting the Master; they didn't know what to expect.

"If you want to go and confront the master Fantasia, go confront the Master by yourself, because I am not throwing away my shot at staying operational."

"Cogsworth. Your the head of the household. The head of the bloody household. If we're going to make sure that the Master is at least functioning properly, you of all people should know."

Cogsworth looked at Fantasia with a bit of understanding, but still shied away from the possibility of approaching the Master. Fantasia was fed up, and looked as if she were about to explode from the stress.

Out of worry for her, Lumiere stepped in.

"Don't worry ma chère , I shall come with you. Making sure the Master is ok now is our top priority."

Fantasia looked at him and sighed with relief.
"Thank you, Lumiere."

"And while you and Lumiere go to fetch the Master, Chip and I'll go and make a him steaming cup of tea to calm his nerves.", Mrs.Potts interjected.

"And I'll go and grab the cleaning staff so we can get everything in order.", Plumette added on.

"And I'll go and make sure everyone is doing as they should be doing.", said Cogsworth.

"Thanks. All of you.", Fantasia said, before casting a slightly dissapointed glance at Cogsworth. She really thought that he would do more.

"I think that you all should use the cart while Fantasia and I look around.", Lumiere said.

"Are you two absolutely sure about that?", Mrs. Potts inquired worriedly.
"We'd hate to leave you stranded out here."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Potts, we'll be fine. Besides, we have to learn how to get around like this anyways, don't we?"

"If you're sure..."

With that, Lumiere hopped off of the cart, landing feet first on the carpet with a resounding thud. He then offered his arm to Fantasia, who graciously accepted and floated down to join him.
Seeing that they were safely off, the serving cart rolled away, leaving the two of them to navigate through the now larger than life hallways that they called home.

Fantasia looked around her, the grand scale of things finally establishing themselves in her mind.

"The halls seem so big now..."

"They do now, don't they."

The reality and gravity of the entire situation that they were all in finally sunk in, and suddenly, Fantasia looked at Lumiere with scared, questioning eyes, longing to embrace him as if he were hers. But all she could do was ask, fearfully was:

"What are we going to do?"

"About what? This?-"

"Yes, yes, this! You've all been turned into objects, you have an expiration date on your lives that I can't stop, you, you just- UGH!"

She had spun around and walked away from Lumiere quickly, wiping away the tears from her eyes as quickly as they came, not wishing for him to see her cry; he had been there for her so much already. She felt weak. It was so embarrassing for her; she was never like this.

But Lumiere knew her too well, he'd seen too much for him not to know better.

He slowly approached her, his hand guiding her face towards his, guiding her face to his warm, caring, bronzed and gilded eyes; the home she always longed for.

"Ma chère, I know that it's hard for you to see us like this, and I know that you worry about your own fate as well. But, you see, we all have each other. We have each other's support and loyalty, and we all will never leave your side for as long as we possibly can."

Fantasia nodded,
With a newfound determination, Lumiere set off for the kitchen, Fantasia on his arm. And as they walked through the hallways, suddenly, they both heard the masters soft growls coming from around the corner.

Fantasia sent Lumiere a look saying, "Let me handle this". She walked forward, hoping that her attempt to contact Adam wouldn't be in vain.

"Master?", she tenatively called.

"Fantasia?", a figure stepped out.
"Where are you?"

"Ummm... down here!"

A large figure with a... mane?.. and... horns? looked down to where Fantasia was.

"You all were affected as well?"

"Yes, we all became one thing or another, except for myself. I seem to be somewhat different."

"Well, where's everyone else? Despite what they may think, I actually do want to see them."

"Well there's one behind me to start."

The Beast looked up, suddenly noticing Lumiere, who greeted him enthusiastically.

"Master! We've been worried sick about you! Come, come, we have prepared your favorite foods for you to enjoy. Please.."

The Beast looked at Fantasia with a look that said, should I? She merely nodded with a smile, watching as Lumiere ran down the hall, the Beast, suprisingly struggling to keep up. Then she realized: she was going to be left behind.

"Wait for me!", she called, chasing after the two, a spark of hope lighting itself in her heart. They might actually, just maybe, be able to get through this.

L'Amour  (Lumiere X OC) ~2017 Beauty and the Beast~Where stories live. Discover now