Chapter 4

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A/N: Welp... OVER 250 READS! A HUGE thank you to all of the people reading this story.

Make sure to let me know what you think in the comments!
Anyways.... ONWARD!

As time went on, the castle had settled a bit into a routine. In the morning, Lumiere would go and wake up Fantasia (who's quarters were moved to a bedroom down the hall from Madame de Garderobe).

From there the two of them would travel through the castle, checking up on everyone, with Lumiere swinging through the hallways using the chandeliers and a human sized Fantasia running under him.

Human sized?

Well, it turns out that one of the powers bestowed upon Fantasia was to be able to go from her Lumiere sized body to her normal human size.
Besides the point.

After everyone was present and accounted for, they all would go and perform their usual designated tasks. Plumette would go and clean, Cogsworth would oversee, Mrs. Potts and Chip would go and leave some food for the Master, and Lumiere would accompany Fantasia to wherever she was going, whether it be to the music room, the library, or her workshop. But for her, this particular day would be a ballroom day with Maestro Cadenza.

In the weeks following the curse, Fantasia and Cadenza had formed a great bond over their passion for music and art. They would spend entire days together, reviewing each other's new work, creating whole symphonys and orchestrations, performing them for anyone who would listen. Sometimes, they would use both of their creative geniuses to create magnificent compositions that no one could top other than themselves.

But today, Fantasia decided it was going to be a shorter day; she didn't think Lumiere could handle it. Just a song that they would go over and that would be it. That would be all.

A full sized Fantasia and Lumiere entered together, Fantasias folder full of a new instrumental she had written. She had written it with Lumiere in mind; the song was a performance number more than anything, but she needed to find some words to put to it. So, why not ask one of the people who would most likely perform it one day?

"Fantasia!" The maestro exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"You saw me yesterday!"

"Yes, but you haven't written with me!"

"True, true..."
The Maestro noticed Lumiere behind Fantasia and welcomed him warmly.

"Well then, now that all the formalities are done, shall we get to work?" Cadenza asked.

"Sure! Today I was thinking about just going over one song. I've got the orchestrations all written out, but I just need to write some lyrics." said Fantasia.

"Well then let me see it!"

Fantasia showed Cadenza her music, and he looked at it a bit confused. It wasn't her usual style. She was more of an aria or a ballad type of singer.

"This looks like a bit of a showtune... Did you write it for someone else?

"Well, I actually wrote it for myself and possibly... Lumiere."

"Really now? Is that why he came along today?"

"Well, kind of. He doesn't really know that this is for him."

Cadenza looked mischievously at Fantasia, a plan forming in his mind. Suddenly he called over Lumiere with a shout.


Lumiere looked at the two of them when he heard his name. He had traveled across the ballroom, looking at how much it had changed.

"Yes?", he called.

"Oh, Lumiere! Fantasia was just letting me see this song she wrote for the two of you!" Cadenza shouted.

Fantasia looked away from Lumiere, obviously a bit flustered.

"I-it's only if you want to.. Besides, the song doesn't even have lyrics yet!"

Lumiere jumped onto Cadenza to get a clearer view of Fantasias blushing face.

"Well ma chère, didn't you tell me that this was where you worked on creating your music?", Lumiere questioned. Fantasia nodded with a smile in response.

"Well then, let's create some lyrics!"

Lumiere saw that it was a performance number, so he decided that if they were to perform it, it would to welcome a guest. (Over dinner, of course. After all, he was the maitre d.)

They decided to split the verses, albeit unevenly. But Fantasia didnt mind, it was more for Lumiere than it was for her anyways. They added a few variations and key changes here and there, since the chorus of the song was very prominent throughout it. Although, they still had a few empty bars that they couldn't quite fill. Then, after adding a few things to the finale of the song, they had finished. With the song, that is.

Fantasia and Lumiere bid Cadenza goodbye as they headed to the dining room. One could indulge in their fantasies of a guest for a second, couldn't they?

Guillotine jokes, cabarets, and interpretive dance while in a cheesecloth became topics of discussion, and swinging on chandeliers was highly encouraged.
Visions of Taj Mahals and Bollywood dancing became bright in the duos mind.

Soon enough, the rest of the staff wondered what the heck they were doing, because it isn't often that you hear singing in the dining room. When Chapeau and Mrs. Potts came in, they didn't expect to see bits of sheet music strewn about the table, making spots where (hopefully) plates and such would be. They didn't expect to see a shrunken Fantasia teaching Lumiere how to Bollywood dance at the end of the table. But that's exactly what they saw. Lumiere was the first to notice their arrival.

"Chapeau, Mrs. Potts! How are you both today?" Lumiere called.

Fantasia spun around, startled.

Had they really been that loud?

"Hello Lumiere." Mrs. Potts responded.
"What on earth are the two of you doing?"

Lumiere and Fantasia both explained their situation. They told Mrs.Potts about the song and she quickly volunteered to fill in that voiceless part, because as she said, "There's nothing like a good song."

Soon enough, word got around the castle and suddenly, Lumiere and Fantasia had a lot more people to stage. So they staged, and they taught, and they wrote, and they sang and performed into the night with happiness, scattering at last only because of Cogsworth bursting in and alerting them of the Masters approach.

Once they had all left the dining room, it was well into the night. Lumiere walked Fantasia to her room, bidding her goodnight with a wink and a smile, then running off to go sleep himself. And as most of the castle slept, they dreamed of the day when someone would finally be their guest.
Sorry it took me so long to update! I bid you all good day (or good night, whichever it is for you).


L'Amour  (Lumiere X OC) ~2017 Beauty and the Beast~Where stories live. Discover now