Chapter 6

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Saewa POV:

I wake up really early inhe morning. I wash up and change my clothes. I go downstairs. There I see my Appas having breakfast. I greeted them "good morning" and they replied back. I eat my breakfirst. After that, I ask them where are we going today. They said that I am going to school today.. Okay I am still in my regular face. Wait... what????!!!! Did I heard it right??? I am going to school today !!! OMFG!!!! I am so ecxited. I never been to school since I live at the orphanage. They said that I am going to school with Kookie Appa. Yeay. They give me my uniform and I change into it.

So this is her uniform

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So this is her uniform.

I went downstair and look at Kookie Appa. He was holding to backpack. I guess one is for me and one is for Kookie Appa. Mine is A cute backpack and Kookie Appa one was just............ black. Seriously.... So damn boring.

This is what her backpack looks like

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This is what her backpack looks like. Cute isnt it.

After that we went to school. All the Appas are sending us to the school. As we arrived I was so like this:

 As we arrived I was so like this:

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Shocked mood on.

I was so shocked because it was so damn big. do you want to know how big it was. I will tell you guys later. I was wondering what if I lost my way- ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay oh~ Then I found my way-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay oh~ Oh sorry. By the way back to the story. I talk about that issue with my Appas and they said "Gwenchana, Saewa yah. You're gonna be aright" So I shrugged it off. As we enter the school gate all the pupil was like:

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