Chapter 12

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My Pov

I wake up because of Jin appa waking me up. Then, I start to get change and go downstairs to eat breakfast. After having breakfast, Rapmon appa ask me to pack my clothes. I ask why.. he said that we are going to have a vacation to Jeju Island. So I quickly go upstairs and pack my clothes.

After packing up, me and my appas go to the airport. Then, we board the plane to Jeju Island.

After it takes a few hours on the plane, we finally land at Jeju Island.

We are now on our way to our hotel. As we arrive at our hotel, we decided on whose going to be with who in the same room. I am sharing my room with the maknae line.

When I get to my room, I suddenly feel dizzy and starts to throw up. After throwing up, I black out. I could here the appas calling out my name before I totally black out.

Jimin pov

When we get to our room, suddenly Saewa starts to throw up and black out. I was so worried. I carried her body to a bed and change her clothes and wash the mess up that Saewa made. I also called the other hyung to come to our room. Right now, Saewa's face really look pale. Then we agree to take her to the hospital.

Saewa pov

I wake up in a all white room. I see my appas and called them. They look really worried and asking me if I am okay. I said I am okay. Then, the doctor came in and ask who is my guardian.

Jin pov

Finally Saewa is awake. I am really worried about her. Then, the doctor come in and ask who is her guardian. Then, all of us raise up our hands. The doctor said that he needs to talk to someone so I volunteered myself and go follow the doctor. The doctor tell me that Saewa had a cancer and it is now stage 2. She will have many more years to live if she goes under therapy. Then, the doctor ask me if I agree on doing a therapy for Saewa. And I, without thinking twice I agree. Cause it's the best for Saewa.

Taehyung pov

Saewa is now asleep and I am wondering what took Jin hyung so long talking to the doctor. Then, Jin hyung came in and we all asks what does the doctor says. Jin hyung was hesitating to tell us but he just split it out while crying. He tell us everything. We are so sad to know that our princess is sick.

*4 days later*

Still Taehyung pov

Saewa has been discharged, and now we are going to back to Seoul. After we arrive at Seoul, we drive to our house and since it is already late, we just change into our pajama and plopped down to bed. Then we go to sleep.

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