Chapter 13 (End)

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(A/N:So guys, I am really running out of idea for this book.. Just to let you know that this is going to be the last chapter. Thanks and happy reading😊)

*13 years later*

Author pov

It had been 13 years since, BTS discovered that Saewa had a cancer. Saewa has been under therapy.. She also went to school.. She had met new friends and had a crush on her bestfriend, Hyungsik..

One day, BTS and all the other idols celebrate Saewa's birthday in a five star hotel.. The invironment was very happy.. Suddenly, Saewa passed out in the middle of cutting her cake. BTS quickly take Saewa to the hospital..

When the doctor came back, the doctor and tell them that, "she didn't make it."
BTS feel so sad because their sweet princess has gone.

At Saewa's funeral, so many idols that know Saewa come.. Hyungsik also come to the funeral.. BTS come and give a letter to Hyungsik. They said that letter ks for him from Saewa before she go. Hyungsik read the letter,

"Dear Hyungsik,
This is me, your bestfriend. Actually I've been having a crush on you since we ar little. But I didn't get the chance to tell you. By the time, you are reading this must be the time when I am not here anymore.. right?? I hope you will take care and always be happy, also tell my appas that they must not be sad because of me. Tell them to stay handsome and healthy. Also tell them, I will always watch their performances from the above. I will always watch you guys from the above. Lastly, goodbye.


Right after they read it, they burst out to tears. After the funeral, they went home and continue their life as usual, but this time without Saewa. They are still wondering how are they going to live a normal life without Saewa. Until now they are still wondering..

The End..

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