SC: 1

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Cyrus Parnell
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
April 6th, 2011
9:44 A.M

" How long will it take as to arrive there Jesup? " Mom badgered the driver..

" We should be arriving there shortly ma'am. " He responded, making eye contact in the rearview.

" I don't need an estimate I need a time. A number. Do you not understand? "

" Ma! " I shouted to her. She always has a tendency to overdue situations.

" You hush Cyrus. " She smacked my chest, focusing her attention back towards our driver. " I asked a question. Maybe you would like to be answer questions for the unemployment office. That is surely where you are heading. "

" Certainly not Mrs. Parnell we will be arriving in five minutes. " He answers.

" I will be docking you those five minutes off of your pay. We needn't be late. You know how this is you imbecile. "

" Mother... " I called out to her. " You should relax a bit. He's just doing his job. "

" Punctuality is key. You will not be late for one of the biggest photo shoots you will ever take part in. Calvin Klein doesn't just allow anyone to model his pieces. "

" I know that mom. I just would like a little peace and quiet before I get into this hectic environment. You know that. "

" Sweetheart. I didn't get to where I was in the modeling world by being nice. I had to step on a couple of toes and claw my way to the top. I certainly didn't get to where I am being late! " She stated, making it a point to yell the late part.

" We are here missus. " Jesup parked the car near the curb, and killed the engine.

I unlatched my seatbelt, and reach for the handle when mom stopped me. Here comes more of her dramatics. " Well. "

" Ma'am? " Jesup looked back, puzzled.

" Are you not going to open the door for us? "

" You don't have to... " I input.

" He does... " She glares at me. " And he will. "

I sighed and watched as he scurries out of the car to open up our doors. He opened mother's door helping her step out. She was being exceptionally bitchy today for whatever reason. He opened my door next. I got out of the car with my bag of essentials in hand. I walked around toward the entrance of the building, but first I needed to get my bags containing the pieces I am supposed to wear.

I walked over to the car and opened the trunk. " I have it Mr. Parnell. " Jesup says, taking my bags from my hand.

" I'm fine you can't carry this up on your own. "

" He will be fine. Cyrus let's go. We have to be upstairs now. We are already late. Stop being so kind. "

I looked at Jesup and made my way past him to join mother. We entered inside the beautiful spacious building, and searched for the nearest elevator. Once we spotted one we made our way towards it. I was slowly lagging behind mom because I really didn't want to be here. Mom worked for these namely fashion designers in her time. She is one of the wealthiest models to ever do such. It was only necessary that I followed in her footsteps.

I never really had a childhood. Here I am, a twenty-two year old millionaire, but at what cost. My father was a research developer for a technical company. It was no doubt that we were extremely blessed, but having riches doesn't make you happy. I rarely have time for relationships, friends, or anything but modeling. There was some underlying resentment for her.

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