Dinner & Announcement

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Your POV

Today was going to be a special dinner, we had a big announcement, well the Yamazaki's and my family already know.
I just finished setting up the dinner table, tonight I had special, first time guests coming over. I told my parents and decided to use the fancier dinner set. My mom was cleaning like crazy and my dad just got back from the store with slightly more expensive ingredients. I honestly don't even know why we were trying to be so formal because it's my boyfriend and his parents, but when it was the Nanase's it would be a normal, relaxed, family dinner. It was 5 o'clock and they would be over in the next hour. I helped my dad cook the salmon, veggies and rice, while Mom set up a fancy centrepiece. About an hour later we finished and changed into our nicer clothes. Again, totally different because with Haru's family, I would be in my PJ's sometimes or casual, comfy clothes. I pulled out a black just-above-the-knee dress that had thin straps, tight at the top and flows at the bottom. I fixed my hair into a bun and I put a little black flower clip on with glitter. My parents were dressed semi-formal, Dad had on a not-too-dressy suit and Mom wore a long black and white dress with a slight V-neck cut.
"So you're positive that they are the Yamazaki's?" Mom asked, bringing the food to the table.
"Yeah Mom, I can call them up right now."
"But why would a rich family like them want to come to a place like this?" Dad asked.
Mom gave him a glare, "We're not poor (f/n)... It's a nice neighbourhood. And our daughter is obviously perfect for their family."
"Yeah, I actually like this neighbourhood, it's very convenient." I added.
Ding dong.
"Oh, they're here already." I began walking to the door.

Haru's POV

I pulled into my parents drive way and exited my car. I looked over to (y/n)'s home and noticed a very familiar rich family getting out of a limo... why the hell are they here?
"Darling, why are we in such a low class neighbourhood." The lady who I'm guessing was Mrs. Yamazaki, asked in a snotty way.
"It's just business, mom." I heard that familiar voice, Sosuke... ugh.
"Let's get this over with." I watched Mr. Yamazaki lead the way to the front door.
Damn rich people, this isn't even a poor neighbourhood. I rolled my eyes and opened the door with spare keys my parents lent me.
"I'm home!" I called out.
"Haru!" I watched as my mom exited the kitchen with a big dish in her hand, wearing a red dress, make up and her hair done into some fancy style. "How are you sweetheart?"
"Fine, I guess. Where's dad?"
"He's getting ready, aren't you?"
I looked down at my clothes, a regular white shirt, blue jeans and black converse. "I am ready."
"Oh no honey, they said we have to dress semi formal. Find something in your closet, I'm sure you didn't carry all of your clothes."
Looking back, the Yamazaki's were wearing fancy clothes.
"Since when did we have to be all fancy?" I asked with slight annoyance in my tone.
"Just for tonight, it's important for them."
I mentally rolled my eyes at the thought, "Fine." I went upstairs into my old room which was now transformed into an office. I rummaged through my old closet and I found a white button up shirt and I paired it with black dress pants. I decided to text (y/n).
Me: Yo.
With in 2 minutes I got a reply.
(Y/n): Hey, are you guys coming? We're gonna start soon.
Me: Yeah, in a minute.
(Y/n): Well talk to u when u get here then.
Me: Wait, I have a question...
(Y/n): Mhmmm?...
Me: why didn't u tell me they would be coming?
(Y/n): Didn't think it was necessary 😅
Me: EH? 😑
Then I heard the door creak, "Haru, come on." It was my Dad, wearing a not-too-dressy suit.

"Hey, welcome, welcome." Mrs. (L/n) greeted us.
"(M/n), wow beautiful dress!" My mom said.
"Thank you," then she lowered her voice, whispering something to my mom which made her giggle.
Then she guided us into the dinning room, where the other two (l/n)'s were and the Yamazaki's.
"Hey Haru-chan!" (Y/n) smiled, patting a seat next to her, Sosuke was on her right side.
I walked over and sat down, "Hey."
"Nanase, funny meeting you here." Sosuke grinned.
"Yeah. Sure is." I retorted.
"Alright, thank you all very much for coming here tonight. The dinner was cooked with the finest ingredients, and the salmon came straight out of the sea so please eat till your heart's content."
"It should've been mackerel." I said under my breath but (y/n) and Sosuke heard. She giggled.
"Mackerel is food for the broke." I heard Sosuke say under his breath.
I darted my eyes in his direction, he had a slight grin on his mouth while cutting the salmon.
No one asked you, punk. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.
Our parents continued talking until Mr. Yamazaki cleared his throat and spoke up, "Sosuke, isn't there something you would like to announce."
"Ah, yes father." He wiped the corner of his lip and began, "So, after high school, the lovely (l/n)'s and my family decided that we will be working together..."
Okay... so what?
I watched him hold hands with (y/n) and pull her up from sitting.
"With her skills in business and marketing, we've decided that she would be a very valuable asset in our company." She giggled at Sosuke, blushing in embarrassment.
"And not only that but she has proven to be a perfect, intelligent wife for me."
My family looked stunned, including myself.
"So, we're partnering in both career and marriage." (Y/n) said, while blushing.
Marriage... that word hit me like a brick.
"Ah, congratulations!" My mom cheered, "Wow (m/n), you're truly lucky."
Everyone was clapping and I was still in shock.
"At the wedding, Haru, you will be my Best man."
Fuck that...
"Haru?" She called. "Did you hear me?"
"H-huh? O-oh yeah. Congrats." I said dryly. "Excuse me." I got up and went outside to get fresh air.
I group texted the swim team.
Me: Just a fucking phase huh, Makoto.
Makoto: What's up?
Me: Oh idk, just the fact that Sosuke is gonna marry (y/n) after high school
Then everyone joined in.
All: WHAT!?!?!
Makoto: Shit, Haru, I'm sorry man.
Me: Forget it...
Nagisa: There are plenty of mackerel in the sea man
Rei: Yeah, I'm sure all those girls who flirt with you at school would love to be the next Mrs. Nanase
Me: 😑😑😑😑😑😑
Nagisa: I don't think you helped Rei
Rei: 😭
Makoto: You both aren't making it any better, you'll be okay dude. We'll take you out and you can get your mind off of this.
Me: It's fine.
"Haru." I felt small hands touch my shoulder. "What's wrong?" It was (y/n).
"You stormed out of the dinning room. You haven't even been acting like yourself lately, I know you're not okay. Just tell me."
"Trust me, it's not even worth explaining."
"I know you're over whelmed bu-"
"I'm not feeling well, tell my parents I'm going home." I walked to my car and got in.
"Haru, wait!" I heard her call.
As I was backing out I saw Sosuke come outside wrapping an arm around her, planting a kiss on her cheek. He walked her inside and gave me a dirty glare.

Your POV

"He said he wasn't feeling well." I told everyone.
"Okay, I'll check up on him later." His mom said.

It was now nine o'clock and everyone was heading out.
"This was fun, I hope you can come over to dinner again." My mom waved.
"It's at my house next month." I heard Mrs. Nanase call out.
"Right, right. Goodnight!" She closed the door. "Ugh, your new mother-in-law is so stuck up." Mom confessed.
Dad and I laughed.
"Did you see the way she was eating, it's like she was searching for poisoning in the food."
"Mom, it's not nice to talk about people, even if they're snobs." I joked.
She laughed, "Alright, time to change out of this crap." She headed up the stairs. "I'm glad you won't have to worry about choosing your future career or husband though."
"Thanks mom, goodnight."
"Night." She called.
I looked at my dad, "What do you think?"
"In all honesty, I thought you would end up with Haru."
I laughed, "Well do you like the Yamazaki's?"
"They're too stuck up for me. There's no way I'll be able to continue with these fancy dinners, (y/n)." He placed his hand on my head, "But if it means you'll be happy then I'm fine with that. Sosuke seems like the perfect guy for you."
"Thanks Dad." But Haru says otherwise...

I was in my room on my laptop, watching anime.
Bzzz bzzz.
My phone turned on and I stared at the screen saver of Haru and me as fourteen year olds. He had a small smile, and mine was huge. We were wearing baby blue and white jerseys that said Iwatobi SC (for swim club), with our swim suits underneath and first place medals on the left side of our chests. My arm was around his shoulder and we were both holding up peace signs. I laughed remembering that day. It was our first year in high school, and our first swim competition. Haru won the freestyle competition, giving us a gold trophy. We came second place for the relay and I won first place in the junior woman's breaststroke competition. We went out to get pizza and ice cream after. It was a fun day, and that was the first time I've seen Haru smile so much in one day.
Then I looked at the text, Sosuke.
Sosuke: Hey babe 😘
Me: Hey handsome ☺️
Sosuke: Wyd?
Me: Watching anime, of course
Sosuke: Lol I should've known
Me: Yeah so what's up?
Sosuke: I just wanted to tell you that my parents love you
Me: Oh yaaayy!
Sosuke: Lol but also I want you to stop going to that guys after school practices
Me: umm... what
Sosuke: You can watch me instead, I need your support
Me: But I promised to watch him after school
Sosuke: He needs to focus on swimming, not you
Me: But he has a competition coming up, I have to support him
Sosuke: He'll be fine
Me: Okay
Sosuke: Good, I love you 😘😘😘
Me: Love you too 😘
Why would he want me to stop supporting Haru? I shrugged it off and resumed the show.

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